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знайти вихід

For Denis Nazin and the people of Ukraine

знайти вихід
cimarronline, Mar 7, 2022
Playtime, Valentin, Mammad and 2 others like this.
    • cimarronline
      This is an edited version of @Block builder's Broken Bridge, offered as a humble tribute to the courage and resourcefulness of the people of Ukraine. Our friend @Denis Nazin lives in Kharkiv which is currently under heavy attack, including civilian areas.

      More than two million Ukrainians have evacuated from the country in the past 12 days. Many more are trying to find a way out ("знайти вихід" in Ukrainian) of cities that have been surrounded and are being bombed and shelled.

      Today Denis wrote: "Спасибо мой дорогой и добрый друг. У меня сейчас мало времени чтобы заходить на форум. По этому вы не переживайте пожалуйста за меня. Я жив. Спасибо!"

      "Thank you my dear and kind friends. I don't have much time to visit the forum right now. So please don't worry about me. I'm alive. Thanks!"

      Yesterday Denis wrote:

      "Thanks for your support! I am in Kharkov, I have not gone anywhere. Kharkov is a big city. I am in that part of the city, which is closer to the border with Russia. But our peaceful area was almost not affected! Although most people are very scared, because the fighting is taking place very close to us. Every day and night we hear shots and explosions. Yes, it's true - men are not allowed on evacuation trains. Many leave by car. But when they arrive in peaceful areas of Ukraine, they are immediately put on military records, and can be forced to fight at any moment. My family and I have no plans to leave yet."

      It looks like the destruction in Ukraine may get much worse in the coming days. If you pray, please pray for Denis and his family. If you send a message to Denis, please translate it to Russian, since he can't easily access the translator.

      (Solution video here)
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