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знайти вихід

For Denis Nazin and the people of Ukraine

знайти вихід
cimarronline, Mar 9, 2022
    • cimarronline
      This is an edited version of @Block builder's Broken Bridge, offered as a humble tribute to the courage and resourcefulness of the people of Ukraine. Our friend @Denis Nazin lives in Kharkiv which is currently under attack, including civilian areas.

      More than two million Ukrainians have evacuated from the country in the past 12 days. Many more are trying to find a way out ("знайти вихід" in Ukrainian) of cities that have been surrounded and are being bombed and shelled.

      Today Denis wrote:

      "We are alive. The situation is very difficult. There is no safe exit from Kharkov to Russia! The Russian authorities wanted to do it, but the Ukrainian authorities did not agree.

      "I wanted to tell you not to [equate] the Russian government and the people who live in Russia! People living in Russia also do not want war!!! My closest relatives live 90 kilometers across the border with Russia. I myself am Russian by nationality (but I am a cosmopolitan by conviction, so for me there are no nationalities and borders). Good people live all over planet Earth. And the division into nationalities and borders leads to wars and great grief. Politicians are to blame for wars. Most of the people of our planet do not want war!! And the Russian people don't want war either! I love all the people of the planet earth! For me there are no borders and nationalities. I really hope that all people will be able to understand this and stop all wars on EARTH!"

      If you pray, please pray for Denis and his family. If you send a message to Denis, please translate it to Russian, since he can't easily access the translator.

      (Solution video here)
    • Valentin
      @cimarronline thank you

      I do not pray ... but my thoughts go to @Denis Nazin and his folks.
      From the news I read, today the people in Kharkiv are supposed to benefit from a russian ceasing the fire, so that they can exit the city ... but where to ?

      We hope the war to end soon even it seems foolishly optimistic ?!

      Я не молюсь ... но мои мысли обращены к @Denis Nazin и его людям.
      Из новостей, которые я читал, сегодня харьковчане должны получить выгоду от прекращения огня русскими, чтобы они могли выйти из города... но куда?

      Мы надеемся, что война скоро закончится, даже если это кажется глупым оптимизмом?!
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin

      In France, a saying goes that "Music softens morals"...
      This morning, I dream that it can also hold back bombs and missiles.
      Anyway, thank you for your music, dear friend!
      Hope and solidarity.

      Во Франции говорят, что «Музыка смягчает нравы»...
      Сегодня утром мне снится, что он также может сдерживать бомбы и ракеты.
      В любом случае, спасибо за музыку, дорогой друг!
      Надежда и солидарность.
    • cimarronline
      I asked Denis if that music was written during the war, and how his family came to Kharkiv. He replied today:

      "The music was invented before, but she was not finished. I decided to finish it and publish.

      "I was born and lived in Kharkov all my life. My parents arrived in Kharkov to learn and stayed here to live. They arrived in Kharkov when there were no borders, there were no Ukraine and Russia and another 15 separate countries. Was the USSR. It was all one country.

      "The fact that this is a fratricide is happening. It is very, very sad."
    • Buurmas
      @Valentin's comment is similar to my interpretation of the previous level with the tank. I imagine that
      B goes under the tank, makes music, the tank driver hears and remembers their shared humanity, loses the desire to make war, and leaves town.
      @Denis Nazin, I hear hope and optimism in your music. May it shine like a light through the darkness of this war.

      Комментарий @Valentin похож на мою интерпретацию предыдущего уровня с танком. Я представляю, как
      B уходит под танк, играет музыку, водитель танка слышит и вспоминает их общую человечность, теряет желание воевать и уезжает из города.
      Денис Назин, я слышу в твоей музыке надежду и оптимизм. Пусть он сияет, как свет, сквозь тьму этой войны.
    • cimarronline
      Updates from Denis continue here.
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