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Organization Why should a level be given a 1-star rating?

Discussion in 'General (Issues, Help, Discussions)' started by retrograde, Jun 14, 2016.

Why should a level be given a 1-star rating?

  1. It’s clearly not solvable.

    20 vote(s)
  2. I couldn’t figure out how to solve it.

    1 vote(s)
  3. I really dislike this style of level.

    5 vote(s)
  4. Duplicate or rip-off: The level was created by someone else on the forum.

    15 vote(s)
  5. Ridiculously easy.

    7 vote(s)
  6. Excessively tedious to solve.

    5 vote(s)
  7. Other (coment

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Sunny Sunset

    Sunny Sunset Active Member

    Likes Received:
    May 23, 2016

    I, again, have to disagree. A designer who makes an easy level is not "lacking" in design talent, but is maybe doing it for a reason. All of the PAD## levels, for example, were created by a fellow who wants to make sure they are easy enough for his grandmother to play. They may or may not have a "slight" challenge. I think that's commendable and very loving, and it has given me great respect for him and his levels.

    My own levels are "way too easy", but that's because I happen to like easy levels. So, why am I not allowed to create easy ones, risking one star for "lack of difficulty" or "poor design", if that's the style I prefer for myself from other designers as well?

    I can tell you there are way too many difficult levels here, and not enough easy ones. People need to have easy levels or they are going to get frustrated with the game and leave it before they ever get hooked.

    I still have not completed the original levels that came with the app. I was getting frustrated by level 21, and fortunately this site popped up quick enough, with easy enough levels, that I remained with the game, got hooked, paid way more than .99c and here i am.

    (Yeah, I know, some of you wish I HAD given up on the app and never showed up here...too bad... Lol)
    Sorella M. likes this.
  2. Sunny Sunset

    Sunny Sunset Active Member

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    May 23, 2016
    I have no idea why that post is red… That is really weird...
  3. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Well, we are all entitled to our opinions. And you do have a point about grandmother levels being a style preference. I'm afraid you may be outnumbered here though. More than likely those here are aficionados of the game in the sense that they blazed through the original 50 levels and were looking for a further challenge. At least that was the case for me. It's also a scenario which I've witnessed time and again whenever a game includes a level editor.

    I'm currently (as of today) cataloging the games I play with categories such as: puzzle, code, discovery, adventure, maze, agility, race, ball, luck, and free draggables. The latter two of which I despise. P.S. they are ranked in the order of my preference and each level is getting a main and a secondary category. I hope to share the list one day soon as an editable/contributable Google Sheet. Oh, and I rate levels according to what I think the intended category is of the author, not according to my preferences.

    I suppose I can add another category called "grandmother." It would be nice, though, if the authors put something in the title description (as many do already) to the effect of: This level is only for demonstration / tutorial / experiment / bug notice / artistic submission / my grandma. That would go a long way towards both better ranking and enjoyment by all.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
    Frenzies likes this.
  4. Sorella M.

    Sorella M. New Member

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    Aug 12, 2016
    my view is coming from the beginners corner and I would describe myself as ambitiously elderly lady:

    I expected in a fanforum like this experts. No surprise for me, that some or many or all of them are bored of all those levels, which don't bring challenge enough for their experience.

    But this forum isn't an exclusive expertforum. And that in my eyes is the reason, that it is not possible to make starrating an objective thing with objective criterias.

    I myself can determine just how I was entertained. I'm not able to rate stars out of an expert view - especially the view of those who design cards and therefore have special knowledge.

    I have some very entertaining levels which I didn't solve till today. For me the criterium in this case is, whether I return to try or forget the level or kick it = my fun to puzzle this level.

    These days I prefer commented levels, it helps me to a decision for trying to solve them instead of just optic eighth to (hope my translator understood what I want to say ... ;-) ) Rating without comment isn't helpful, isn't it?

    What makes rating to a problem is, that getting lots of stars seems to be a challenge for its own. Success is to get lots of stars, right? And that makes things unfair in my opinion if folks who design levels for their grandmas and elderly ladies like me don't get the full 5 because of "level to easy for the voter" and folks who design level to proudly show their latest idea of very challenging skillness don't get the full 5 because of "to difficult for the voter".

    Would probably make it easier, if the designer would write some words about his motivation for this level? If he'ld write "another piece for grandma/relaxers/beginner" I could vote whether it matches to me as grandma/relaxer/beginner" (for example).
    Sunny Sunset likes this.
  5. Astral_Mage

    Astral_Mage Well-Known Member

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    Jul 28, 2016
    "Ridiculously easy" option in the poll seems to cause controversy when I think it shouldn't, difficulty should not be a gauge to how many stars a level can be rated, period.

    I think that the option was meant for boring no-
    brainer levels which has no creative elements thus, the word "Ridiculously".

    Again, a level can be very easy but interesting, or creative, or well designed, or whatever might add to the overall satisfaction of the player playing the level, that is why I mentioned at first that one factor can't be enough for a rating, it should be the overall combination of different factors.
    nGord and Sunny Sunset like this.
  6. B Hill

    B Hill Active Member

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    Jul 28, 2016
    Man, I go away for the weekend and look what happens!
    @Sorella M. That is how I vote, by entertainment and feel of the level, not difficulty. There is a 5 year old called Yoyo who's dad is posting his levels. I have given him some 5 stars because they are clever, funny and yet not overly complicated. And yes i do think that telling your story helps us to know the author's intention for the level.
    Gunnel and Astral_Mage like this.

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