Separate names with a comma.
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Announcing Mekorama on the Web! Now anyone can play levels from the forum online, with one click!
Oi wait! I am SURE I'VE seen MORE than one level with yellow bots! It was something about a city, or village, I don't recall the name but it was...
I'm sure those blocks are obtained by... [EPIC_HACCER_SKILLS] (Or opening the console) though I'm on mobile :D :holdthepainagain:
Oh fineo, thanks. Now I only have to find a card who has one of those blocks, and just one of them :holdthepain:
Oh, B's B letter on his chest means “Bumpy.”, and his full name in game is “Bot tap to move.”. Though I like to think that there's no just ONE B...
Wellio, I've also seen screenshots about those blocks, like the trash bin or the WHEELS. I couldn't find any information about them, my brother...
Finally, the one so mentioned. just the ashes of something that barely looks live anymore.