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    B does squat exercises.
    Uploaded by: Logo, May 7, 2021, 7 comments, in album: My Logics
  5. Logo

    Ball Holders

    Inspired by richardfu's Hold Up.
    Uploaded by: Logo, Apr 30, 2021, 9 comments, in album: My Logics
  6. Logo

    Mirror Maze

    Is there something wrong with your reflection in the mirror?
    Uploaded by: Logo, Apr 23, 2021, 15 comments, in album: My Logics
  7. Logo
  8. Logo
  9. Logo
  10. Logo
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  12. Logo
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  15. Logo

    Storm Stopper

    Thunderstorm 2
    Uploaded by: Logo, Nov 19, 2020, 14 comments, in album: My Logics
  16. Logo
  17. Logo
  18. Logo
  19. Logo
  20. Logo

    Auto Bridge

    A classic ball-pushing level with a modern high-tech twist.
    Uploaded by: Logo, Aug 20, 2019, 30 comments, in album: My Mekos