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Comments on Profile Post by Ray Aznable

  1. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Sure. But what type of book genre? Like fantasy or like normal tutorial? I like that idea tbh
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  2. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    helo mas @Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    are u son of deddy corbuzer? :p
    anyway, this ever had discussed in wag mekolover. the book might be somekind of novel. where thr story set about daily life in forum. while talking about the main character in that book...
    Sep 17, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  3. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    ... then another story come along
    such as : the history, the mechanism, how the program works untill there are discovered bugs which then become variation of moves. history about forum, who is the admin, who is most diligent author, what are types of levels : bug/logic/game inside game/etc... and many more.
    Sep 17, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  4. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Haha, bisa aee. Well, I (or he) can do a magic a bit with the coins as seen on pentagon a little while back :P So, a novel that tells daily life on forum, whilst still having main character. You mean B, R, PillarR, and ZapperR as the main characters, or only B, or else? :thinking:
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  5. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    "How the program works", that's kinda interesting thing to me because someone has mentioned it before in his thread
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  6. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    main character is a fictional account.
    or let say, you are the main character. but it would be more interesting if we took a person whom is controversial in here. then the book wilp telling the story through his/her point of view.
    Sep 17, 2020
  7. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    Sep 17, 2020
  8. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Haseeb Demon. I will check his level after sleeping of course. Sekolah online besok, jangan telat absen haha
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  9. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    anyway, @Azka Fauzan Firdaus ,
    do u might know who is most controversial person in here? :p
    this person's point of view always interesting.
    always againts the current, its like
    him/her againts the world.
    thats understoodable as this person
    invent many things...
    over confident grew inside...
    Sep 17, 2020
  10. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    Sep 17, 2020
  11. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    Sep 17, 2020
  12. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    "Do u might know who is the most controversial person in here?" I think the person who report the word "Anjay" that he's saying that it will break our nation children. I think that's the guy. Who is the person in your mind?
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  13. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    @Azka Fauzan Firdaus I hope
    lutfi mugiwara :p
    playing mekorama for real,
    if that so, mekorama's popularity will be helped so much by his present,
    then beat mobile legend and pubg
    as the most played game in indonesia...
    Sep 17, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  14. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    "Don't too often open instagram..." I never have instagrem. Only just to see my 2 teach youtubers update. But mostly I'm using discord now to join gamers chit-chat, but not seeing their live streaming of course, it will drain my data quickly haha
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  15. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Yes, that Lutfi. I think Ray Buat Trailer (do you know him? He made funny trailer every single video) also mentioned that. But forgot what's his talking lol
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  16. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    @Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    let me guess, your teacher who are using instagram are fashionable in style and they are female teachers?

    tho, its interesting how teacher using sosmed to share about teaching.
    Sep 17, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  17. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    True true. But I never use instagram to see what my teachers doing or what my friends doing, I just use that for my lovely 2 tech youtubers update, like when they're on live event launching phone like Samsung, they will update it via their post.
    Sep 17, 2020
  18. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    @Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    luffy one piece reputation become ugly, because so many people making meme about
    "straw hat LUTFI - gomugomu no Anjay" lololol
    Sep 17, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  19. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Ohh, and also, I used twitter. Same thing, to check their activity, but via text, not image. So that I can keep their update of new videos like, "Uploading video in 15 minutes"
    Sep 17, 2020
  20. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Man, that meme is making me say "Anjay", mantap memenya. See, what parts of break the nation's children? Nothing. It's just an expression of our reaction, not a bad word like those words
    Sep 17, 2020
  21. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    And for real, I was really upset when my teacher needs to either download a video for almost 1 GB, or uploading a video for about 700 MB. So frustating why they doing that. Udah aja luring sekalian daripada ngabisin kuota orang :P
    Sep 17, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  22. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    Sep 17, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  23. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    @Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    in contradiction,
    before Anjay issue,
    only few people know and say that word, now, almost everyone become know that word, and itchy tempted
    to say it.
    Sep 17, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  24. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Aku SMA sekarang dan mau kuliah di deket sini, maunya Politeknik Bandung jurusan ilmu dan teknik informatika. Tapi kesukaan aku ke bahasa Jerman. Jadi bingung mau ke UNY jurusan bahasa jerman atau tetep kuliah di sana. Oh ya, nanti aku pengen cek link itu, kayaknya bakalan fun sebanding sama les online haha. Makasih yaa buat rekomendasinya
    Sep 18, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  25. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    After that Anjay issue, I still have no problem to saying that. But don't know about my friends. Karena emang basically kita anak sunda, jadi ngomongnya maneh, urang bukan lu, gw, apalagi ngomong anjay, pasti pada jarang yg pake haha. Jadi keinget video review odading si mas oleh yg pake bahasa sunda dan dapet hp baru dari gubernur. Ngakak reviewnya apalagi klo ngerti sunda, ngakak bener ky ironmen haha
    Sep 18, 2020
  26. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    @Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    saran aku masuk politeknik aja.
    apalagi jaman skrng era digital, tambang emas itu dr internet. dan pola pikir kita trrbantu kebentuk mindset anak teknik. kalau udah kebentuk kyk gitu mindsetnya, untuk belajar yg lain jd mudah.
    aku teknik elektro dr UKI.
    cara berfikir orang teknik itu enak.
    mudah untuk mengkorelasikan banyak hal.
    Sep 18, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  27. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    @Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    kakang azka atuh manggilnya :p
    author mekorama yg dr bandung
    jenius2 ya. krn udara disana dinginkah? mikir jd enak. contohnya aja, mekolegend dr indo disini asal bandung, mas dany DDD, mas Fendi.
    Sep 18, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  28. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Call me Kang Azka aja. Karena udara dingin? Belum ahh, masih anget sama tugas2 sekolah. Udah terbiasa dipanggil gitu sama adik kelas sekolah haha
    Sep 18, 2020
  29. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Oh iya, kang Dany DDD sama kang Fendi. Mantap2 level mereka. Biasanya kita suka diskusi level atau mechanism baru lewat grup mekorama di WA. Tapi aku udah ganti nomor. Nanti pingin masuk lagi
    Sep 18, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  30. Ray Aznable
  31. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Sipp, makasih linknya. Akhirnya bisa balik lagi ke grup itu. Bisa dibilang comeback lah haha
    Sep 18, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  32. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    ciee yg epic comeback
    curi lord, wipeout, push mid semua.
    Sep 18, 2020
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus likes this.
  33. Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    Serem, ngaitin sama ML, ngepush mid semua. Padahal aku suka main di kiri :P
    Sep 18, 2020
  34. EL797
    A textbook about Mekorama knowledge? :smirk:
    Oct 3, 2020
    Ray Aznable likes this.
  35. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    you and @nGord would contibute alot in writing technical about this forum :)
    Oct 3, 2020
  36. nGord
    I think I've written enough.
    Oct 4, 2020
    Blue Tower, EL797 and Ray Aznable like this.
  37. Ray Aznable
    Ray Aznable
    @nGord , lol yes, u had written million words around this forum. rather than rewrite those, taking screenshoot then attach the pic is faster way :p
    Oct 4, 2020
    Blue Tower likes this.
  38. EL797
    @Ray Aznable Actually, credit goes to @nGord as I am
    just making suggestions... didn't write much about technical problems... hahaha :joy:
    Oct 12, 2020
    Blue Tower likes this.