not from my sucky levels...
anyway thanks to your channel since two years ago, helped me to be able playing almost all tricky old posts levels from FB and forum.
Your levels are not suck... it's just some of the moves in your levels are frustrating and annoying, like the last move of your newest level. However, your levels have great design and interesting tricks so they're not suck. :D
thank you @Anomynous and @EL797 , for encouraging me. tho... @Meko Guy also do the same but in harsh way... he is my first teacher in this forum. good and bad, are in fact part of life. and we able push the limit over time through harh way.
@Ray Aznable A harsh 'teacher' can cause different results. For us, we have known @Meko Guy for a long time so we can 'survive' from his harsh criticism and improve. But for new members, they may not be able to 'survive' from it and think this is an unfriendly forum, so they may leave the forum quickly.
@Meko Guy
I judge u that way not only from that once... there are tons of evidence during these times. not just today. i talk about months here (since im just joined about 6 months)...
but its ok, thats ur character, that makes u unique, its like u are somekind similiar to ramsay gordon lol.
yes last move is not intuitive. but its up to me. also, ur comment appear first somehow will block other people to try my level.
next time, i will sure will make a level which really suit your excitement. still its up to you want to post a comment or not. if u still reviewing badly. well i can u are trolling lol.
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