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Comments on Profile Post by HaseebDemon

  1. Anomynous
    May be by dropping electric wires itno water
    Apr 16, 2020
    HaseebDemon likes this.
  2. nGord
    He stood on a 12-inch tall ice cube with a rope around his neck?
    Apr 17, 2020
    HaseebDemon likes this.
  3. HaseebDemon
    @Anomynous he suicides by hanging. @nGord Yes, Right answer but the measurement is 10 inch :D
    Apr 17, 2020
  4. nGord
    If the ice cube was only 10 inches tall then that means that the man didn't drop and lean against the rope.
    Apr 17, 2020
    HaseebDemon likes this.
  5. HaseebDemon
    The ice melted later. due to ice melting the person leaned aganist the rope. Since there was no support later but some water on the ground
    Apr 17, 2020