I was hoping you can allow for better level creations. 16x16 is a great start but I think it would be awesome if we can go 32x32!
Big level -> need big capacity and memory for phone for stock level. I suppose he limit the place for that and for use level at the good condition.
Actually it would be possible to store big levels in the form of images, but not QR code (it would be coloured "QR code"-like). For example (with no means of promotion whatsoever nor comparing it to mekorama), Voxatron. It is a voxel based game where you can make your own levels, and the levels are saved in .png format with a thumbnail just like Mekorama. In voxatron, a level (cart) can be much larger than 16*16*16 (forgot the exact limit), and one level can contain more than one rooms (sub-levels) that are interconnected with modifiable doors. Also you can design the characters, items, monsters, and much more, even midi-like sound. And all of those huuuge amount of information in a single, reasonably sized (few hundred kBs) .png image. In voxatron, the data of a level is actually contained in a rectangle filled with colored pixels, which is analogous to QR code in Mekorama. So it is still possible to expand mekorama even using pictures as level data, but maybe not in QR anymore.
In my opinion, this size is not an disadvantage, it's just one feature and if levels would be bigger, it would be more complicated to create levels!!
Agreed that the current size limit is appropriate. The limited size actually gives more well-crafted levels as you'd have to think about how to utilize every grid of space instead of cramming everything.
That's a point of view. There is a lot of possibilities behind Mekorama. a 16x16x16 world seems small but that's also more challenging. The principle of the game is to find/create a way to get to a win spot and that's the smartest point: You have to acheive that inside bounderies, which in some manners can be extended a little but not too much.
Martin’s actually said that a fix to this is “sort of” in the works. It’s been almost a year since he said that, though, so he might have forgotten or decided not to do it.
While the rest of you await an update to the game, I dread it as I think it would say, you must update to ios-x, and apple isn't going to let me update my ipod4. So I guess I should say my farewell now. Happy Update Day to you all. It's been fun.