It's nearly two years since the release of Mekorama and it seems to be still going strong in terms of new downloads. Despite the officially recognized links to our forum from the official Mekorama Facebook page, Martin Magni's Twitter feed, and the Mekorama website, there are also many other sources from where to enjoy the game. Although we cannot vouch for any of these, here is a partial list: ORIGINAL OUTPOSTS: Discord, @Astral_Mage invited us to join, great for chatting about levels, the forum, fan-art, MekoStudio, etc. WhatsApp, @Sharma's invited us to join, {use WhatsApp at your own risk} Instagram, 1400+ stuff found tagged #mekorama Twitter, stuff tagged #mekorama Reddit, stuff tagged #mekorama Google+, @a220 invited us to join, seems defunct nor do there appear to be any original levels FACEBOOK PAGES: Mekorama Universe, curated by @Frince Mekorama Italia, curated by @stefanovime Mekorama Fan Levels FACEBOOK GROUPS: Mekorama, 1100+ members, public group Mekorama, 500+ members, closed group Mekorama Indonesia, 270+ members, public group started by @Muslim Arizzy Mekorama Indonesia, 1300+ members, closed group CREATORS POSTING TO THEIR FACEBOOK PROFILE: Mekorama Yuan, @yuan COMPREHENSIVE YOUTUBE CHANNELS: Mekorama Man (check out their playlists which include trick examples) YOUTUBE VIDEO SOLUTIONS: sunroad Man Suny Marnick van Lith Care Kids Games AppUnwrapper Level Games - Original 50 Levels playlist Level Games - Additional level solutions playlist FORUM MEMBER YOUTUBE CHANNELS: Videos by @Master Author Videos by @Ray Aznable Videos by @Ahnaf ZX OTHER WEBSITES FORUMS: AppUnwrapper, no original levels (only curated obscurities from elsewhere) TouchArcade, the original thread/forum started by @Martin Magni And last but definitely not least, there is MekoStudio - a website created by @Gepeto - that allows you to create your own levels completely from scratch, edit existing levels, optimize QR codes that you may have trouble scanning, and so much more! Do you know of other places we should know about?
There are several Mekorama pages on Facebook, but the one that I consider to be 'official' is this one: This is the page where you'll find featured Mekorama levels almost every day - the latest ones are levels from @Jorz , @Master Author , @Block builder , @Don G Rowe and @meko Yes, there are other pages, but this one is the only one (that I've found) that stays with Mekorama - the others feature uncouth or lewd material intermixed.
I'm adding this to the list above: For other random Mekorama videos (tutorials, pranks, viewer Q&A, ...), @Master Author has a YouTube channel (link) that he'd like to expand if there is interest (i.e. new subscribers).
For my end, this is all I have Youtube: Sunroad - sunroad mekorama videos @Ray Aznable Channel - ray aznable member of mekorama started making videos Level Games Channel - Level Games youtube channel (Playlist is also from his channel) Level Games - Level Gameplay Playlist - a playlist of mekorama gameplay videos Mekorama Tricks Playlist By Mekorama Man (Mekorama trick playlist) - This channel is not active but tricks can stay forever so that's why. Man Suny - Man Suny Mekorama Videos youtube Man Suny and sun road play mekorama featured levels And I think you should add them here they upload gameplays of featured level Not uploading: A trick list which is not finished just an HTML text with black background.. I will upload it after working on it maybe.
Here is what I found: YouTube: by @richardfu_ @richardfu - includes the building process of one of his levels UC53mSOb_bMndr_SU7IgqPQw by @Gepeto - includes information of Mekorama Studio by @delator77 - includes video solution of some Mekorama levels MartinMagnusson by @Martin Magni - includes Mekorama trailer UCb9gnJXuTcwL-blynkYB4Nw - includes video solution of some Mekorama levels Websites: - includes Mekorama Switch - includes Mekorama Play Station