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Denis Nazin

Traffic light

No TRICKS! Only timing and logic.

Traffic light
Denis Nazin, Oct 14, 2023
XiaoFeixia, EL797, delator77 and 3 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS!
      Only timing and logic.
      Advice - look from above so as not to make mistakes and get timing

      There are several solutions, here is another shorter video:
      ATTENTION! Be careful on the stone blocks - follow the traffic lights clearly!!

      I came up with the idea for this level half a year ago. But I spent a very, very, VERY long time inventing and remaking the traffic light mechanism to make it stable and convenient. It really took me a lot of time and effort, so I really hope you like it.
    • Denis Nazin
      WIN blocks are NOT REAL!!! They are needed for the traffic light mechanism. You only need to collect 3 stars!

      In this level, in addition to the traffic light mechanics and gameplay, I wanted to demonstrate:
      Big ZR(ZL) can't kill little B.

    • ohmytian
      I liked the idea. It itself worth 5 stars but there's not enough gameplay for me to rate 5 stars. I'll skip the rating.

      How do you come up with the fake win block?
    • Denis Nazin
      @ohmytian The main thing at this level are two demos:
      1) traffic light mechanism
      2) big ZR can't kill little B
      Since the level has a non-standard mechanism and non-standard blocks, and in addition there are traps and Z underground - that’s why I INTENTIONALLY did not make long or very complex gameplay. It is not needed here, in my opinion.
      Thank you very much for the game and your opinion! Thank you
      A non-real WIN block can only be made in "meko studio". This greatly complicates the construction process. But if you really want, here is a card from which you can copy a non-real Win block.

    • Rating:
      What the heck!
    • Denis Nazin
      @ArGee Thank you very VERY much my friend :D;)
      ArGee likes this.
    • Rating:
      What does it matter if the gameplay is more or less easy when the idea and concept of a level is so cool? Excellent & original... спасибо мой друг @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Wow, Thank you very VERY much my friend, I'm really happy that you liked :D:D:D
      Огромное СПАСИБО ;)
    • XiaoFeixia
      The level is huge, and very imposing, like a super mechanism, quite scary! :cry:Amazing! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      The gameplay is not easy at all as it took me a while to understand the logic.... Fun original concept!
    • Denis Nazin
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