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Teaming Up

B and R can be great if work as a team. Check the Caption Tab for lots of hints.

Teaming Up
gmacpro, Feb 22, 2018
    • Rating:
      Really interesting level. Loved the start and there were lots of odd moves where i wasnt sure B could do what he did. My solve was slightly shorter.
      After forcing R onto the step/cylinder/step section ,rather than autopilot, i got B to go down the single step which i thought you had put there on purpose . By the way , B does not need to be elevated to influence the behof R above.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      So much traps. :smirk:
      gmacpro likes this.
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - You are right about the 'elevated eye' :confused:. I've removed that as a requirement for tricks. To use the single step, did you BB? Those stairs were there for another reason, if the auto pilot didn't work, that's where you land so you can try again. Thanks for the rating and comments.
    • gmacpro
      @Block builder - 'Traps' - Just at the start. To be honest, I reworked this level yesterday as I thought it was too hard. I toned down a few things to make it easier albeit it isn't easy. Thanks for commenting and rating.
    • ridgerunner
      @gmacpro .. I don’t ever do BB. I just tapped step then tapped an adjacent block. Only tried it the one time.
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - Maybe I'm thinking the wrong stairs - which one? The one leading into the wedge or another?
    • ridgerunner
      @gmacpro ,, the step leading onto the wedge . I can’t see claustrophobia but there is something odd about that step .. ive done it three times , each within 10 seconds by having B stabilised on the step , then tapping the step then tapping a lower level block.
    • ridgerunner
      Here is a video of the strange step behaviour.
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - Excellent a new trick? We'll call it the ridgerunner step - :rotf:
      I know if you auto pilot from the lift above and land on that step, you can do a mid air tap as B hits the step and get off in the right spot so maybe it has something to do with that?
      rsa92 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Bufff, really tricky level but I had a lot of fun. Thanks!
      gmacpro likes this.
    • Rating:
      | Excellent theme. Though I did it slightly different than what you intend, the same logic applies. Releasing B from his initial position with R's bump was unique. I liked the tricky sequence of steps with R,
      autopilot, and claustrophobia.
      Not easy but it was fun.
      gmacpro and rsa92 like this.
    • Rating:
      this is a complicated step, i have finished and won, thank you.. :)
      gmacpro likes this.
    • Rating:
      TRICKY,TRICKY,TRICKY:eek::eek::eek:Jajajaja,yes sir,excellent TRICKY ( the word of this level:p) challenge!! Wow!! I did it like you except the middle step,but without shortcuts...just another TRICKY logic:sneaky:!! Thanks for sharing and excellent job @gmacpro ;)
      BTW....my solution :D
      gmacpro likes this.
    • gmacpro
      You did it like @ridgerunner and found a surprise step trick. Not sure why it works but the game has it's own mind. Thanks for sharing your method and also thanks for commenting and rating. BTW, check to comment above to @Block builder, if I didn't tone it down, your step trick wouldn't have worked as there was a rail between the step and the ball area. The trick then was an auto pilot off but as B goes, tap the step behind B and B would have climbed over the rail. I thought it was too hard so removed it. :)
    • Rating:
      lovely first move with nice tricky and fun gameplay thanks! and WD.
      gmacpro likes this.
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  • - Auto pilot
    - claustrophobia
    - R will only pass some stairs if there is a base
    - R can help
    - B can help
    - fill the gap under the inset stairs
    - auto pilot
    - with B on the rotor
    - tap the 1st stairs
    - raise lift
    - a low ceiling makes B pass objects that B can't normally pass
    - note the metal block