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Shishi Odoshi

A collaboration between DDD and me (turning down your volume is recommended)

Shishi Odoshi
cimarronline, Oct 8, 2023
    • cimarronline
      @DDD offered me a little challenge: He had a nice-looking scene with an interesting mechanism, inspired by the Japanese shishi-odoshi. Could I make it into a playable level?

      Here's what I came up with, trying not to disturb the pleasant design. The star is DDD's good idea. (Sorry about the mechanism noise; turning down your volume is recommended.)

      Autopilot, cancel tap, springboard stair

      Solution video here
      MomoKeego and DDD like this.
    • Rating:
      I liked the tilting mech and the gameplay for the star was fun. I had to wait a long time to capture the winblock and it was triggered by a tiny amount.
    • ridgerunner
      There is a shortcut at 1:17 of the video
      B can re enter the R tunnel to get directly to the pillar of the draggable leading to the SBS step
    • Chris Hester
      That's a really beautiful level. Of course it was too hard for me but I did get B into R's tunnel. Then B disappeared inside! I managed to find him but couldn't get past R. Maybe I shouldn't have lowered the steps earlier.
    • Rating:
      Excellent design & nice tricky gameplay though a bit hidden but hey, in the end there was not another way to go to the area to perform the SBS :sneaky:... thanks for sharing @cimarronline & @DDD , great job guys ;)
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I'm very glad to see the level from you!:thumbsup::D Thanks to both authors, thanks for the cool mechanism and design, thanks for the interesting gameplay.;)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      What a beautiful mechanism. Had some trouble calibrating the SBS, apparently I make B jump way too far relative to what's required here. It was a joy to look at the mechanism, and also the caves are quite beautiful.
    • Rating:
      Beautiful looking level with the interesting mechanism. I used the shortcut @ridgerunner mentioned. Not too tricky, not too hidden. Well done.
    • cimarronline
    • MekoMole
      Haven't managed to complete but endorse the 5 ratings of those who have. The circulation of the balls and the tilting mechanism make an intriguing design which merits further study. Thank you both.
    • Rating:
      Wow... Was a hard ride on the rocker, R walked around but didn't finished of missing balls... But with a bit patience we was successful... :rotf::rolleyes:
    • DDD
      Thank you everyone for playing it, luckily I was helped by @cimarronline who to help me add gameplay elements.
    • Rating:
      Sorry guys, I found the herding of R to the win extremely iffy and R got there, twice, but R just walked back & forth over the win block, not triggering it. Pretty frustrating.
      Also, lowering the pillars is obscure. I thought I was waiting for a mech to drop them after the ball dropped, then just swiped randomly until they moved.
      After B landed on top of tilter, I had to go to VS.
      All in all, fun then tedious.
      I must say it's an unusual style, interesting & intriguing.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Totally unique gameplay and although it took a while for R to hit the win it was worth the effort :thumbsup:
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