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Block builder

Sand castle

No tricks.

Sand castle
Block builder, Mar 7, 2024
alarcon, delator77, Jamal and 3 others like this.
    • Block builder
      B is visiting his old grandpa, who is usually busy in the attic. He is forgetful, so B might have to warn him about burnt bread in the oven. The smell is hideous, it must be thrown in the water. Old grandpa is rambling as B needs to find a different way in. Grandpa then starts to wander around ending up on a tower. He wants to enjoy the view all around. Then he needs to go to the toilet in one of the towers, as he asks B to make two repairs. One to the upper floor of a tower, and one on the path in front of the tower. B makes the repairs after which he has to leave for other adventures.

      Tower design by @Master Author in Do or. It was the inspiration for this castle.

      No tricks.

    • Rating:
      Always find castles confusing but it was worth the effort for the finish. Had to restart because i tried the wrong finish first time.
      Tried to knock R into the space with the ball but not enough pace.
    • Block builder
      @ridgerunner Whoooh, smart thought. Luckily (for me) it didn't work because I had not thought of that. :D Thanks!
    • Rating:
      Great adventure! It took some patient persistence, but satisfying to figure out the paths (especially the upper path!). But I didn't understand the purpose of the last ball R bumps? And is that a bot half buried inside the castle? I didn't see that part in the story...
    • Block builder
      @cimarronline Thanks! That last ball prevents B from taking the short route through the living quarters back to the outside.
    • cimarronline
      @Block builder I was afraid that ball would block B's way out, and I'd have to push him out a window!
    • Block builder
      @cimarronline About that lone eye, it's supposed to be a sheep. :rotf: Just decoration.
    • Rating:
      Master Author
      i loved this level because of the complexity and castle design inspired by me (i noticed it first on a first look before i saw the description). welcome as always for being an inspiration to you bro. ++ the logic inside of it was always incredible. this level was the perfect example of my bio “expansion of creativity includes complexity.” :cool::)
    • Master Author
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      SUPER cool castle design!:thumbsup: I love:D. Unfortunately, such designs have one drawback - visibility inside is difficulto_O. But this design is worth it.:rolleyes: Thank you.;)

      Regarding the gameplay, I puzzled over how to start for a very long timeo_O:confused:. It was very sneaky to hide this important character!! Because I usually don't read descriptions (except for the list of tricks) because I need to use a translator, this is an additional difficulty. I almost gave up because of this and decided to watch the video. But when I saw an important hidden charactero_O:rotf:, then of course I was able to further solve this level on my own. The gameplay is also very interesting and smart, it certainly deserves a 5!
      The only thing I didn't like was the hidden beginning:unsure:. I really like everything else and this is really a SUPER level.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
      Excellent and professional design, interesting and professional gameplay. Of course 5, thanks for your new level!!:thumbsup:;):cool:
    • Block builder
    • Block builder
      @Denis Nazin Thanks! I did put the red brick chimney there as a hint. And the roof is see-through from the side. :oops: Glad you liked the rest. :)
    • Mark69
      This is not what I would define “Intuitive gameplay” :D but I really appreciate the design, look and complexity of this great level :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      The rating…
    • Rating:
      Wow! the design of the castle is pure Meko-art, I never tire of looking at it with admiration :cool:... regarding the clean logic gameplay, it was a nice challenge figuring it out :sneaky:... thanks for sharing @Block builder ;)
      btw, your storylines are so, so fun:rotf:... & they give you hints, for example...
      when I started playing I spent about 15 minutes trying to do something with B...obviously I did not do anything so I read the storyline & suddenly noticed that...I forgot the grandpa in the attic :D
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    Block builder
    Mar 7, 2024
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