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Pedro Andrade


Catedral de Saint-Sauveur de Caiena, em especial para meu amigo, @Badre Construída entre 1825 e 1833. Originalmente chamada de Igreja de São Nicolau. A Catedral de Caiena foi ampliada entre 1952 e 1954 e é a maior igreja da Guiana Francesa. Foi declarado monumento em 29 de outubro de 2012.

Pedro Andrade, Mar 16, 2023
MomoKeego, Sammy 5, MekoMole and 4 others like this.
    • Rating:
      I was hoping that the gameplay would involve freeing the congregation, but they seem to be confined for eternity. Looks good.
    • Pedro Andrade
      @ridgerunner, Na realidade, eles estão dentro da catedral em oração, não trata-se de um resgate.

      Obrigado por prestigiar meus níveis!
    • Rating:
    • Badre
      also, can you post the solution?
    • Badre
      oh wait is this my name?? yaay :party::party::party:
    • Pedro Andrade
      @Badre, Vou postar a solução amanhã, Ok!
      Badre likes this.
    • Pedro Andrade

      Jovem, meu celular está com problema no toque, por isso trava um pouco, mais ai está a solução primária do nível.

    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Great design:thumbsup:!!! I love:thumbsup:! The gameplay is also interesting. I liked the star that needs to be taken from the cross:sneaky:!
      There is only one problem: you have unsuccessfully picked up blocks near the motor. Therefore, the motor turns very badly and incorrectly:confused:. You had to either: 1) place a cylinder under the motor (this is the most competent solution to the problem)
      or 2) remove the wedge that is clinging to the red brick under the motor. Any of these two points could make turning the motor very comfortable and pleasant to drive. Please keep this in mind in the future.
      But I really, really like the design. That's why I won't lower my rating. Thank you;)
    • Pedro Andrade
      @Denis Nazin,

      Thank you young man for the guidelines, for the evaluation and for your attention to my levels. With its nearly 400 levels, I have a lot to learn from you. I respect every comment you make about my work.

      Strong hug!

      Obrigado jovem pelas orientações, pela avaliação e pela sua atenção sobre meus níveis. Com seus quase 400 níveis, tenho muito que aprender com você. Respeito todo comentário que você faz sobre meus trabalhos.

      Forte abraço!
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Beautifully constructed Cathedral :D I like the swiveling cross and that the spaces opened up so you can see inside :thumbsup:
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    Mar 16, 2023
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