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Right Height

Put all of the R into the right gaps.

Right Height
一二三四, May 14, 2024
    • Meko Guy
      You can win by only using two R bots - I'll start a conversation to send you a video.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Thanks for a good laugh. The intended solution is hilarious. :D

      Realized a shortcut using the smallest R and stacking bots. Intended solution is more fun.
    • Rating:
      Interesting logic level with nice design... what I do not know is if is possible to put all the bots in their places & send B happilly to the win cause in my gameplay I had to go step by step fitting each bot into its respective place... thanks @一二三四 ;)
    • Chris Hester
      Doesn't work for me as B can't step down the stairs and cross onto the smaller Pillar bot to reach the next stairs near the start. Unless you're meant to ride the Pillar bot and step off. Only there are just too many taller bots going round, even if I trap them with the rising blocks.
    • Meko Guy
      @Chris Hester -
      Who are you referring to?
    • Rating:
      Fun idea, I mostly enjoyed it, :thumbsup:. It just got a bit slow waiting for the bots to stop arguing with each other and the right size bot to come round, ;).
      Maybe it would be better if there was just one of each size? Then they wouldn't be bumping into each other so much.
    • Chris Hester
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      I enjoyed the level so much. 5 from me;).
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