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R-bot Tricks Demo

This is a collection of R-bot-specific tricks that have been discovered thus far. In this demo you’ll learn about the kinds of blocks that R can / cannot walk on, how R can walk at a 45-degree angle, the R-stopper tricks, and how R can climb / descend without staircases.

R-bot Tricks Demo
cpw, Dec 3, 2016
    • cpw
      This is a collection of R-bot-specific tricks that have been discovered thus far. In this demo you’ll learn about the kinds of blocks that R can / cannot walk on, how R can walk at a 45-degree angle, the R-stopper tricks, and how R can climb / descend without staircases.

      **Note: Techniques that also work with B are excluded. Refer to @retrograde 's excellent demos for more info ;)

      This demo includes:
      • 6 block types that R normally cannot step onto, along with the Downward Staircase antidote
      • The R mini-climb ascend trick
      • 3 R-stopper techniques, and R’s head bump pushing trick
      • The Off-the-grid trick
      • Inset staircase walk
      • Walking-on-B trick
      • Limbo Walk descend trick

      In order of occurrence:
      1. R-stopper (Gate Operator): R gets frozen in front of a 1-grid-high gate and does not rotate. Slide the gate to unfreeze him. First used in Gate Operator by @Ricko.
      2. 90-degree staircase turn: R can move onto a flat block from a perpendicular staircase. This is a one-way path in that he cannot return to the staircase.
      3. Stone pillar allergy & antidote: R normally cannot step onto a stone pillar, but with a downward staircase he can do so. First showcased by @Anti in his thread Easy B-only/R-only Configurations. Notice that R cannot repeat it from the other side as there is no backwards staircase block. This effectively creates a one-way path, and can be utilized to force R to make a left-turn instead of the usual right-turn.
      4. Walk-on-anything: First posted by @meko and @cpw around the same time (@meko made the level Time of Courage while @cpw posted a demo). A continuation of the antidote, the downward staircase in fact enables R to walk on any block types, which includes (in addition to the stone pillars mentioned above):
      • Fences
      • Rails
      • Stone wedges
      • Eyes
      • L-shaped staircases
      5. R mini-climb: As R is on the downward staircase, hold the fixed draggable next to him. R is now momentarily frozen. Release it, and R would climb up by one grid, onto the grass block. It is believed that holding the nearby draggable actually freezes R and “resets” his height detection algorithm, causing him to believe that he is still one grid above the ground (despite he is in fact going down), enabling the mini-climb. First discovered by @cpw here.
      6. R-stopper (Ball insertion): R is now frozen in front of a fixed grass ceiling, which cannot be removed. Release the ball such that it fills the empty space in front of him. Realizing that his path is blocked by the ball, R would now turn away. Note that the obstacle can be any movable object (e.g. a free-motor unit). First popularized and rediscovered in the Stopper concept by @cpw, but was actually first posted by @Frenzies in Bowled Over.
      7. R-stopper (Floor removal): R is frozen again, this time without anything to fill the hole. Move the ground slider, such that R now realizes he cannot go forward, and turns away. First utilized by @cpw in The Twins.
      8. R’s head bump: First discovered by @richardfu_ and is used in his Sneak In V, this is a pushing trick of R which utilizes his head movement when he is blocked by a 1-grid-high obstacle. With the obstacle being a free-motor unit, R would repeatedly bump his head into it, eventually causing the object to move. Note that the strength also increases with multiple R-bots (which can be used to push heavier obstacles). The multiple R-bot push is first utilized by @cpw in The Twins II.
      9. Off-the-grid: [No longer works due to stability improvements in newer versions of Mekorama] First utilized in @vince ’s level Off-the-grid, it is shown that R can be forced to walk at 45 degrees after standing on a rotating pillar. Let R step onto the rotating ball, and close the door behind him. He will then gain the ability to walk off the grid, onto the grass block.
      10. Inset staircase walk: From a staircase, R can step onto a perpendicular inset staircase. He can also walk on multiple inset staircases in a row as if they are flat surfaces.
      11. Walking-on-B: If preceded by a downward staircase, R can also step onto B’s eye. This can also be seen as a more specific application of the Walk-on-anything trick (although it was discovered before that). First used by @richardfu_ in Sneak In III.
      12. Limbo Walk descent: [No longer works due to stability improvements in newer versions of Mekorama] First used in @retrograde ’s level The Limbo Walk, it is shown that when R steps onto a horizontally rotating ball, he would lean backwards while continuing to walk. With a metal cylinder in front, he would easily descend onto the ground.

      Do remember to leave a comment if you have found earlier examples of these tricks, or if you find some tricks missing. ;)
    • Rating:
      Great investigation and documentation work. Thanks!
      cpw likes this.
    • trids
      Brilliant idea! An excellent reference source. Thank you, can't wait to try out some new tricks

      Edit: posted a link here from the Tutorials and helpful levels thread.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Nice overview.
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Love all the work you have put in here! Thank you so much
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great ! By the way, I am working on a level with a new R-bot trick ;)
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Thanks for the fast response. It's going to take me a little while to figure everything out, but it looks good so far.
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great! Very detailed guide and uses a lot of useful tricks. The R stopper trick was actually used in my failed level Bowled Over, but that's okay.
      cpw likes this.
    • cpw
      Frenzies likes this.
    • Rating:
      Muslim Arizzy

      I know one trick, but it turns out there ahead of me..:D
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      An excellent compilation. Here are some more R-Bot tricks.
      Feel free to fold them into a master. :)
    • cpw
      @retrograde Thanks :D Will do in the next version (probably also wait for the unknown new trick mentioned by @vince above). I hope the Limbo Walk would be more widely adopted from now on. It's not like we have many R-specific descent tricks ;)
      trids likes this.
    • cpw
      @retrograde :eek::eek:It's so amusing to see R walking uphill with the Limbo Walk. :D
    • trids
      @retrograde - another brilliant demo! But I'm new to one or two of the effects/tricks there (especially the influence of the first slider :confused:).

      Why not add some explanations and post it as a tutorial on its own?
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