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Meko Guy

One Tap Win

A short level with only one tap and one auto pilot

One Tap Win
Meko Guy, Nov 20, 2024
MekaSage, delator77 and MekoMole like this.
    • Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      Must be several years since a level like this has appeared on the forum . I have always liked them.
    • Rating:
      The difficulty is setting the path, so that B is not hit by Z. Yes, my B is repeatedly hit by Z :)
    • Rating:
      You did it my friend. Usually "one tap win" levels have not any gameplay, they are visually nice but nothing more. But you changed this fact & you made a "one tap win" level with obviously a very short gameplay but challenging! thanks @Meko Guy ;) great job!
      btw... my autopilot was a bit different but equally effective :sneaky:
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      shaun Roberts
      These are the best type of autopilot's. :D:thumbsup:
    • delator77
    • Valentin
      Well done ! Finally, a level of yours I can achieve without losing my cold blood :D
      I have the feeling my win used less moves after launching the autopilot … I’ll try again.
      Thanks for completing your own challenge ;)
    • Valentin
      With this ...
      ... you just have to turn the motor with 1/4 of turn (as intended) and move a slider (the one with 2 zappers) from one block to the right, and it works :cool:
    • Valentin
      To continue with the ratings...
      If I "had to" rate this level, I would give it 4 stars. In my rating scale, I would like to give 3 stars to the "average" levels, that is to say which are nice, pleasant, but not necessarily exceptional. 4 stars at “good”, fairly good and even very good levels (which is the case here). And 5 stars at “excellent” levels, those that are “Wow”, extraordinary or… masterpieces.

      I can see that my position differs significantly from the position of other players... Reason why I stopped rating. I compensate by detailing my comments when I think it's worth it! ;)
    • Meko Guy
      @Valentin - It appears to me that your rating system is very similar to mine. Many levels that I see out there deserve 3 stars at best but some players have a different opinion and happily give 4 and others even 5 stars. The friendly nature that this forum demands may be the problem. It is easier to give everyone 4 or 5 stars than have to explain yourself. I stopped playing levels from newbies because if I did and I see an area that they could improve in, I would tell them. I'm also from the school, rate hard so the person works to improve. If no one tells them where they can improve, they will not improve.

      EDIT - I forgot to mention,
      in the general sense of those words, do not invoke a 5 star rating to me. Without game play, I don't care what the level looks like as game play is king.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Excellent 1-tap win. I moved less sliders as B is quite agile and can make a lot of the gaps. The zappers add a good challenge and grab your focus.

      The forum has had "rating inflation" out of kindness like many things in society. The reason I don't make a fuzz about it is twofold: 1) I don't find it important enough, and 2) critical kindness is difficult to convey over the internet (it is easily received or communicated in a meaner way).
    • Valentin
      @Block builder I agree on the points you raise, especially the first one: it's not a matter of life or death ;)
      @Meko Guy My position is now not to rate to avoid these problems. I must confess I'm not from the same school of "rate-hard" but I see that we can agree on the observation and the analysis :)
      Another difference: I can easily consider certain levels without or with very little gameplay as impressive, and appreciate them. Because my taste readily leads me towards pure technicality, or why not poetry? My current project is also completely eyeing the meko-art side ...

      (Sorry for having made comments on this level a conversation about ratings! but hey, the other branches of the forum are in the process of becoming deserted :()
    • Meko Guy
      @Valentin - I didn't start playing Mekorama x years ago because of the great designs but the challenge to get to the win. If it would have been more art driven, then I probably would have left years ago.
    • Valentin
      I understand. It’s fortunate that this game allows and combines both challenge and design. :D
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Nov 20, 2024
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