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not Fast Furious

B-rian and To(RED)to have been hijacking an offshore facility to steal some oil. Can they escape from there with fully loaded tanker ship on time?

not Fast Furious
Chasano222, Mar 2, 2018
    • Chasano222
      turn off sound if too noisy
      [- choose carefully which pipe will be leaked first.
      - don't let your ship overloaded, control the flow.
      - finish all task quickly (not more than 5 minutes) before the ship is leaving/moving.]
    • Rating:
      I didn't find the mechanism too noisy. I considered dropping one star for the requirement to drop R down one level as R missed more times than made it or became unstable and walked off. :( Was this move really required as it was a very complex level that requires some figuring out to get going? The sequence of balls and regroup for the end was nice. Thanks
    • Chasano222
      @gmacpro did you mean R pathline through two combination of draggable nearby ball pump area?
      when R position above the motor then rotate the draggable to the pump direction (more easy after the pump goes down).
      *The second dragable also have function to switch on/off the pump
      Credits Ball pump inspired from @Block builder, modified from #Perpetuum Mobile.
      They need to regroup for the next level series;)
      Thanks for playing and rating
    • gmacpro
    • chemi
      Bufff, it's very unstable isn't it? R step is very weak and the ship moves randomly, some times after 10 seconds, some times after couple of minutes... am I missing anything? :(
    • Chasano222
      @chemi 10 seconds? wow. I try repeatedly between 3 to 5 minutes before moving. indeed the mechanism of ship movement as timer is far from perfect. this will be my concern at the next level. R seems have a bug after passing L rotor in the wrong direction. thank you for your feedback.
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