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Mini Pagoda

A Bot trapped in a mini pagoda

Mini Pagoda
meko, Aug 7, 2016
    • B Hill
      @meko I love your level, took me several tries to figure it out. Uses some great tricks. Once you get it it is fairly repeatable too so if you missed how B did it the first time you can see it again.
      When you master that though, then you can have even more fun trying my way, which unfortunately isn't as repeatable but still fun to try.
      meko likes this.
    • Rating:
      I figured it out slowly but it seems to be the right way (regarding previous spoilers). A great level ! :D
      meko likes this.
    • Rating:
      Thanks Meko. I will, however, be an outsider and award only four stars. Although a compact and intricate design with some nice detailing, the exclusive use of exploits leaves me unchallenged. I'm afraid for whoever will try to play this level not knowing about the required exploits. Thank you for the otherwise great design for the rest of us!
    • meko
      Thanks @nGord, i write the exploits for who don't know they
      tap on the red brick and after on the stairs, the bot will fall
      raise up the elevator,tap down the elevator and lower that
      my favourite trick, go to the elevator, tap on the stairs near the win and immediatly raise up the elevator; he will fall on the win or on the fence; if he falls on the fence you can quietly tap on the win
      trids likes this.
    • Rating:
      Although I am not fan of this kind of "feature" levels I have to agree you did it very well. Thanks! Note: at the end I am going to become an expert on "features". :rolleyes:
      trids and meko like this.
    • Rating:
      Great minimalistic level! It successfully combines multiple tricks into a small and intricate level. I liked that you included the tricks in the comments. Well done!
    • id.mehra
      @meko Still can't complete....but good compact level with tricks...
    • Frenzies
      @id.mehra Try reading @meko's spoilers. You might not know all the tricks used.
    • meko
      @id.mehra Read my hints,but first finish the level and after rate it
    • id.mehra
      Thanks @Frenzies @meko actually got stuck at the end where the B don't move weight forward to hit..
    • id.mehra
      @Frenzies and @meko ....Yeah ...did it....it took almost continues 50 tabs both sides to speed up the B to the "win".
      Good level...need patience and tricks...
    • Frenzies
      @id.mehra Ha-ha, just like @trids. It just takes one try with the real way. Just see the spoilers @meko posted...
      id.mehra and meko like this.
    • meko
      (Copied comment)
      my favourite trick, go to the elevator, tap on the stairs near the win and immediatly raise up the elevator; he will fall on the win or on the fence; if he falls on the fence you can quietly tap on the win
    • id.mehra
      @meko oohhhh ..... haha you should told me earlier....it made me see continuesly to the screen and made me tab....a lot of time...wth o_O ;)
    • id.mehra
      But thoroughly enjoyed this level....:D
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