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Block builder

It's all off!

Warning: difficult level

It's all off!
Block builder, Feb 29, 2024
Sammy 5 and delator77 like this.
    • Block builder
      It's all off! Stuff is off of the grid (offset), things will fall off of the level, your timing will be off, your force will be off. Even February 29th is usually off of the calendar. It's all off! You were warned. [If you read this before playing.]

      Off grid (offset) stuff
      Long legs

    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      A very cool and difficult test for experienced players.:sneaky: My gameplay is almost identical to yours. Only the stack formation is different:
      The final move is timing - I was unlucky three times in a row:confused::rotf:
      The fact is that B can be unstable - he can leave the eye of R in different ways (sometimes quickly, sometimes for a long time) and can get on the wedge in different ways (because of this he can push the ball faster or slower). In general, the final timing is very difficult and plus a little luck.

      Cool level, cool challenge. Thank you, 5 from me!:thumbsup:
    • Meko Guy
    • Block builder
      @Denis Nazin Thank you very much! I hoped people could appreciate this as a short but very challenging level. It's short, so I accepted the timing of the last ball. Really like your stack technique, and it uses the same elements.

      This level had been on my phone for a long time (before my last 6 levels), but I couldn't like it enough to publish. It had some instable stuff. Then yesterday I looked at it again, and went for the "challenging" theme, with still a lot of off grid stuff. So thanks for playing and understanding the level. That's always nice.
    • Rating:
      Highly tricky, at least for me. Well done :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Very fun tricky compact level... also my stack was like @Denis Nazin & as you said seems a variation of the intended... thanks for sharing @Block builder ;)
    • Rating:
      I am glad you went for a challenging level as it was very enjoyable. My gameplay was same as designed way, although i got sidetracked at the start by a move that allowed B to capture the first star but I couldn’t see any way to capitalise on that move. I liked the use of the middle height ball
      B can stand on R and capture the star when R tries to push the ball. Interestingly this is not possible on my ipad when the ball has been moved.
    • Block builder
      @ridgerunner That is a cool move though! :cool: Glad you liked a challenging level.
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Master Author
      As expected complexity!
      your title storyline was impressive level by level! (i liked the feb 29th reference.) :cool::cool:
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    Block builder
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    Block builder
    Feb 29, 2024
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