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Muslim Arizzy

Faulty Tower

Best Friend series.. Have fun.. Dont stress..

Faulty Tower
Muslim Arizzy, Feb 4, 2017
chemi likes this.
    • Block builder
      Really like the name, and the puzzle for as far as I'm able to complete it. I'm getting frustrated like Basil, and feel stupid like Manuel. How to get past the 3rd horizontal pillar?
    • Muslim Arizzy
      @Block builder
      ["How to pass a horizontal pillar 3.. in the pillar 2nd horizontal , R bring B above his eyes, until the pillar 3rd. B rises above the 3rd pillar and then R passed through a small hole, by lowering the draggable box"]
    • Muslim Arizzy
      ["R is above eye B, to bring R to the stairs or pillar Vertical"]

      [" B is above eye R, to bring B up to the 3rd pillar "]

      [" R through a small gap "]

      [" B climbing "]
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      It's a nice looking tower with intricate puzzle. Really wanted to finish it. The 1st and 3rd pillar were too difficult to get right for my taste.

      At the first pillar, B often pushed R sideways rather than up, R fell off outside the level when stepping/dropping left, or R would stay on B, but not move to the pillar in the path.

      At the 3rd pillar I tried to get R through the hole under the pillar before, from a known trick using R standing on a rotor going down, and over a round surface. In this case he is on a draggable having to move on a square block. This makes it far less achievable. I therefore abandoned that approach, only to retry after your hint.

      Did enjoy it though!
    • Muslim Arizzy
      @Block builder I think this will be easily solved, apparently not.:D
      But Thank you've tried.. ;)
    • Rating:
      Agh, finally managed to pull it off at the 3rd pillar. It appeared to be very difficult to perform the trick because it actually requires R to
      go back to the staircase and walk down again to the draggable.
      That made it much easier albeit the requirement is very, very non-intuitive. So I'll rate it a 4 like @Block builder did, as I liked the idea of
      having R carry B as well as B carry R in the same level. :D
      But as @Block builder said, the tricks at the first pillar are quite unstable. :eek:
    • Muslim Arizzy
      @cpw pillar third actually easy..
      ["when B standing on the pillar. lower draggable then R would spin, R up the stairs and back to draggable box, when R was on the stairs to go down. drag draggable box, the plot down.

      Dont forget draggable box in the second pillar, is inserted into the back.. this will make it easier


      But thank you've tried.. thanks for the rate..:D
    • Block builder
      It's a nice trick, but to me the sensitive timing was mostly the issue, combined with the fact that I wasn't sure whether R had to go there. Other things appeared equally plausible.
      1. R going in a hole inside the tower.
      2. B launched into the air by raising the lift quickly, and tapping the top part for some autopilot stuff (making the rest a red herring).
    • Block builder
      The part in that movie (aside from the very beginning ;)) was great fun! So luckily it wasn't a
      red herring.

      Should there be doubt, I did finish the level after your first hints.
    • Rating:
      Amazing level!!!!! It took me a while, but after realized what I'm doing wrong, everything becomes obvious.
    • Muslim Arizzy
      @Khudrat thank a lot.. I hope you enjoy it..
    • Rating:
      Finally solved. What a pity, it had great ideas but... I can't give five stars. :( First step is totally random and third step... why not implemented as @cpw's original one? This version was really no intuitive...
      Anyway, the collaboration ideas between B and R were great and last steps also. Thanks!
    • Rating:
      So tricky!!!...Great level of ability-logic-cooperation altough a bit unstable(the ability part) but very funny...;)
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