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Chris Hester


A replica of the slide out tray in the game editor! I found it made for a playable game!

Chris Hester, Apr 12, 2022
    • Chris Hester
      No trash bin or water block of course. Though I have seen the bin used in a level!

      The solution I found works is this:

      Stand on the silver stairs. Stand on top of L when he goes past. When he bumps into R, stand on R quickly. Use the draggable block to make R go past the win block. Stand on the block.
    • Meko Guy
    • Robot B
      @Chris Hester
      Your victory is interesting, but what @Meko Guy says is also true.
      I won with a B autopilot on the freedraggable.:)
      Interesting to have made the editor in one level.:thumbsup:
      I do not vote because judging the gameplay at this level would greatly lower the rating.
      Instead, I take it as a very original idea.;)

      By the way: @Meko Guy, how did you put the recycle bin in your level?
    • Meko Guy
      @Robot B -
      I used Mekostudio to copy the block from one level, loaded in another level and pasted the block.
    • EL797
      Funny little demonstration of all the blocks in the editor mode! Thanks :thumbsup:
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