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Back to Earth

After walking a long time on Venus Mountains, B found an research station. B needs to back to Earth, but...

Back to Earth
Mekob_123, May 29, 2021
MomoKeego, Sammy 5 and delator77 like this.
    • Mekob_123
      No tricks needed
      (if you find any tricks, please comment)
    • Rating:
      Lang Tao Jin
      Funny but...
      The mechanism doesn't start smoothly
    • Rating:
      Hello @Mekob123
      As I can see, you won't have any problem to improve your gameplay !
      It was an easy level but it takes a few tries to understand the order of the actions to perform ... the atmosphere is really cool ( but is there an atmosphere on Venus ? o_O) and I started your level a last time only for the pleasure of launching the two rockets simultaneously ;)
      I'm afraid B won't go back to Earth after all !!!:confused::confused::confused:
    • Rating:
      Good looking fun.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Nice level - thanks for sharing
    • Rating:
      Nice design!
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      Good one.
      Nice Ball pushes.
      Seems like real Venus.
      I liked those Rockets as well.
    • Rating:
    • cimarronline
      @Valentin "but is there an atmosphere on Venus?"
      Wikipedia says: Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere composed of 96.5% carbon dioxide, 3.5% nitrogen... The density at the surface is 50 times as dense as Earth's atmosphere. The CO2-rich atmosphere generates the strongest greenhouse effect in the solar system, creating surface temperatures of at least 462 °C (864 °F), making it the hottest planet in the solar system. (Which is why a bot would have to go!)
    • BlueDragon
      Yes, and even a robot would have little chance because of the high temperature. ;)
    • Rating:
      Nice avatar but you can make it more better ;)
    • cimarronline
      @Mekob123 Yes, as @BlueDragon says, this is clearly a remake of his level Back to Earth. You copied most of his puzzle ideas, with only small changes. You should at least put his name and his level in your first comment, and thank him, to give him credit and let us know you are remaking his level. Otherwise it looks like you are trying to steal his ideas and take credit for his work. I know you are young and may not have known this, but it is important.

      I like to remake my favorite levels by other people, and post them here: Levels Good Enough To Tweak. But I always say who is the original creator, and thank them, and make a link to their original level.
    • BlueDragon
      With the 2nd level of his Venus series I had already hoped that @Mekob123 would now be creative himself. His Venus landscape looked good and was a nice creation of his own, as he has already recreated the first level as a remake of my Mars series. And the remake was pretty well done but almost identical. That's why I think it's sad that he built a complete remake on level 3 without any ideas of his own. Using parts and functions in his own level and combining them in new ways is no problem. But especially as a new level builder you have to develop your own style and I missed that here. Hence my low star rating. In addition, if you know which level inspired you, it would make sense to mention it. A player also has the opportunity to make a comparison when evaluating the level later. :)
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