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Help - Forum Issues with alerts

Discussion in 'General (Issues, Help, Discussions)' started by nGord, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    This website is built using the XenForo platform, which is a generalized forum software. In order to include support for level uploads, @NeoCHI included the XenForo Media Gallery plug-in. Since the plug-in is provided by the same company, you'd think that it would perform seamlessly. Unfortunately not.

    This is what we know so far:
    • View number still at zero: This is not really a problem, but more of an observation. If you "like" a level or after leaving a rating and/or comment, you'll notice that the statistics for that level get adjusted immediately. The "views" counter for the level, however, only gets updated hourly. So you may notice some statistics for a level while the view number is still at zero. [Credit to @meko.]
    • Thumbs down: If you've ever "liked" a level and then were browsing through the levels listings, you may have noticed some levels that have a thumbs down icon on them. After further inspection, you may also notice that those thumbs downs are in fact only on the cards which you've liked. Although not intuitive, it seems the intent is to have a thumbs up icon available that you can click to "like" the level right from the level listings (without having to go to the level page and like it from there). After liking a level (whether from the level page or the level listings), the thumbs down icon appears such that you can click it to then unlike the level (should you have changed your mind - really handy if you clicked the thumbs up icon by mistake). [Former discussion on this topic was had on this thread.]
    • Rating disappears: If you rate a level and leave a comment, then go back and try to edit your comment, it may seem as if the rating disappears. Visually all the stars go blank, but if you refresh the page, the stars re-appear. So this is just a page rendering issue that is likely true in every browser.
    • Can't delete a rating: This is true - once you rate a level, you cannot delete the rating - but you can revise it. Rating a level or updating a rating are the same procedure: Click on the set of stars either below all the comments, up in the top right Information section, or the star icon on the level card in the levels listing page and up pops a dialog box where you can set the number of stars and optionally leave a comment (which by the way is very appreciated). You'll notice that neither with this pop-up dialog or anywhere else is it possible to delete the rating. :( [Former discussion on this topic was done on this thread.]
    • I left a comment and a rating, but they are not together: The stars awarded are associated with the comment put in the same pop-up dialog box - meaning that if you previously left a comment, the stars will move to the new comment (written in the pop-up). And if you do not leave a comment in the pop-up, the stars will only be included in the overall average stars for the level. So if you make a comment and then add a rating, the two will not be together. You can still see your rating (and those of others) by clicking on the link right above the stars in the Information section (which only appears obviously after the first rating is made).
    Getting "alerts" on levels is a more prickly subject. First of all, it is important to understand the difference between notifications and alerts (which you can do from your preference settings). There is a separate page just for alert preferences. And, even if you have every box checked in the Levels section on this page, you may not get alerts as most of these settings have to do with the levels you personally upload (i.e. your media). Getting alerts on other people's level comments is more dependent on whether you have "Watch Media" toggled to on for that particular level. You can find this setting right above the top right corner of the card image on the respective level page - and it usually gets automatically toggled to on after you make a comment or rate a level. So this leads to some more issues:
    • "Watch Media" magically toggles off: This may deserve its own new thread as it has not yet been discussed, but I for one have noticed that some media that I was "watching" is no longer being "watched." It is possible that I made a comment on a level and the watch media did not automatically turn on in the first place. Either way, many of us, I think, have felt that we're missing alerts for new comments - and it may be because the watch media is toggled off. :confused:
    • New comment alert links to page 1: A new comment on a watched level will create an alert, but following the link in the alert will take you to the upload (first) page of the level - even if the new comment is on page 2 or more of the comments. Maybe the alert is associated with the media and not the comments themselves. Just the same, it's a known nuisance at times. :mad:

    • Alerts for “likes” on level comments: If someone likes your comment that you've made on a level, the opposite in this case happens. Clicking the alert will take you to the last page of comments - even if the liked comment is the first comment in one of many spanning pages. Argh! :mad:
    • Only one alert: Sometimes you'd expect that a new comment could trigger more than one alert. For example, a new rating with a comment on your media that also tags/mentions you. Despite three possibilities, you will only receive one alert. We believe that the website software will apply a ranking algorithm and only alert you once with the highest ranking alert.
    • No alerts for tags in a comment: The often end result of the "only one alert" is that this means that if someone tags you in a level comment, you should get an alert for the mention as long as you're not "watching" the media. If you are already watching the media, then you will instead get an alert for the fact that a new comment was made. Not only does this not seem right in our own thoughts of priorities (i.e. how the ranking should be done), but it's the opposite of how forum messages create alerts. :( [Former discussion on this topic was attempted on this thread.]
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  2. Astral_Mage

    Astral_Mage Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2016
    Seems that the Media Gallery plug-in is unstable, also it should be noted that "@" mentions in the level gallery do not trigger alerts(I'm just re-stating the last part of the thread xD)
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  3. sawdust

    sawdust Retired Moderator

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    Jun 8, 2016
    This is not true for me. I don't know about the tagging portion, but tagging in general is a little wonky. If someone rates and leaves a comment, I always get 2 alerts, even if the rate and comment are attached. Maybe I misread your statement, but it sounds like some people would only get the one alert. Just thought I'd let you know that not everyone has this same issue. Strange.
    trids and Astral_Mage like this.
  4. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    That's great, thanks for the feedback @sawdust! My memory is not clear (nor obviously perfect). I could have this wrong and we could all very well be receiving two alerts, particularly when made on our own levels. When rates and comments are made on watched media, then perhaps there is only the one alert. The point of this thread is to have a discussion. :)

    Can anyone else contribute?
  5. Frenzies

    Frenzies Administrator Staff Member

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    Jun 15, 2016
    Ratings don't give an alert on watched media, only to the owner. But if someone likes one of your comments in a level, then comments on it too, you just get the alert for the like. It's a little annoying, as because of that I have to check out all the levels where I receive a like.
  6. trids

    trids Famous Member

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    Jun 16, 2016
    @nGord - Are alerts stuck? I'm finding comments myself that I normally get alerted about.
    Astral_Mage likes this.
  7. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    @trids - Have you been able to determine whether the media that you're finding un-alerted comments from is being "watched?" What I am finding is that levels that I rate/comment no longer automatically toggle the "watch media" flag. So far I think it is behaving randomly for me and I'm finding that I must go and manually set the flag to on to ensure that I am getting alerts for new comments.
    Astral_Mage likes this.
  8. Gepeto

    Gepeto MekoStudio Architect Staff Member

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    Jul 7, 2016
    I think there's a problem with comments on media. I used to be notified when there would be comments next to a comment I left on someone's level. Now it seems to work on "old" levels, but not on recent ones. As an example, comments between Richard and Meko on the level Five Directions didn't notify to me. Then, from what I remember, member tagging never worked from the Media Gallery, so it's not new.

    Also, the emailing notifications are not as efficient as they used to be. Once I received an alert for a message from the evening in the morning. I know that sometimes the email notification is not sent immediately, but one night is quite long...

    I am not sure what @nGord is able to do, but I have the feeling that sometimes the server is just... busy with something else.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2016
    Astral_Mage likes this.
  9. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Exactly for me to. What I noticed was that the more recent media (that I would comment or rate) wouldn't automatically toggle the "Watch Media" flag. (You can check that above the card image.) And hence why I wasn't receiving the alerts on more recent media.
    Astral_Mage and Gepeto like this.
  10. trids

    trids Famous Member

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    Jun 16, 2016
    That's a good question! So far, I've come across at least one thread that is not marked for watching, but where i am receiving alerts...
    Just a wild theory - is there some setting that says to toggle off the media watch flag after an alert is sent? Cos I'm subscribed to one or two other forums (boards) whose email alerts do that. They toggle off the media watch flag and include a line in the email that goes something like "There may be more responses after the last one in this email, but you will only receive more alerts from this thread after you have visited it again".

    NB: I'm only raising my email experience - and this on other boards - because it establishes the possibility that some new feature on our board is being introduced while still buggy, and that the setting for it might have gotten toggled accidentally. I know, wild theory, but still.

    Meantime, I'll keep checking my media watch flags and report back here on anomalies.
    Astral_Mage likes this.
  11. trids

    trids Famous Member

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    Jun 16, 2016
    I've just taken a look at my preferences page, and found that all my email notifications are toggled off - which explains why I haven't been getting emails recently!

    ... But I never toggled them off in the first place!
    Astral_Mage likes this.
  12. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    No, there is no setting (i.e. in your Alert Preferences) that gives you the option to automatically toggle off the media watch flag after an alert is sent. Alerts on media just keep coming - or at least they should.

    In forum threads, however, the opposite is true: the alert system automatically only sends you one alert (i.e. automatically toggles off some magic flag for more alerts) until you've seen your alerts (and then automatically turns back on this magic flag). Very similar to the email example you gave.

    But again, there is no setting which allows you to control either of these behaviours.

    The closest to control that we have is:
    1. The "Automatically watch albums that you create or when you comment..." setting in Browsing Preferences; and
    2. Manually toggling the "Watch Media/Thread" setting near the top right of the respective pages.

    Wow, that's weird! Unless of course the Watch Thread toggled itself off since the last alert. - WHICH IS EXACTLY MY PROBLEM.

    Great! But... again, weird. In my case, mine are all set to off (for emails), but I remember setting them that way.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
    Astral_Mage likes this.
  13. trids

    trids Famous Member

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    Jun 16, 2016
    ... And anything at a board-admin level as opposed to user level?
  14. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Nope, sorry. My permissions were extended, but then not by that much. Even then, based on what else there is, that type of feature seems too detailed for the Admin Control Panel to manage.

    Of note, I rated six levels tonight and none of them automatically set the "Watch Media" flag like it used to do. :(
  15. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    @laurence.gr - your issue may be explained by the above. Another thing to pay attention to in case it is a factor is whether the alert is from an upload to a level in a Category or a private album. The latter causes issues with some Moderator activity as one example.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
    laurence.gr likes this.

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