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Let's Discuss Epic (Mekorama) Fails

Discussion in 'Level Creation Help' started by Chuckthulhu, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Chuckthulhu

    Chuckthulhu Spanish Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Sep 5, 2016
    So after some conversations I thought it was time to create this thread.

    The purpose is to share stories about our Epic Mekorama Fails, meaning a fail when creating a level or, why not, when playing a level! I think we can have fun and in the process someone could learn from past (fails) experiences.

    My story first, I had tons of fails when I was starting but the one I remember most was when I uploaded Cae19. It's not one of my best levels and it's clearly not one of my most popular, I created this when I was still on my phase of creating levels based on whatever idea I had in mind without thinking a lot about the player's experience, so I just had an idea for a level where you had to open the right combination of doors to reach the win or otherwise, you'd get zapped.

    So I spent all this time designing the path of the zappers depending on the combination of doors you open, trying to give a surprise depending on the order of the doors, I tested several combinations and the intended solution and I thought it was good enough for sharing, but for some reason, I decided to change the position of B before uploading... B was initially outside the building but I thought, "wouldn't it be more interesting if he was out of sight when the level starts?" and moved it inside the building...

    I don't know how long it was, but as I usually do after uploading a new level, I checked the notifications and I found a comment by @chemi (back when he was the only one who played most of my levels...) saying something like "Is that it? One tap and I win?"...


    "No way..." I thought, opened the level, played it, tapped the win in my first move and... B walked to the top and won... I had done the dumb decision to move B and didn't test it after changing his position and now all you had to do was tap the win and, well, win...

    That's easily my most embarrassing moment in the Mekorama Forum, not that all my other levels before (or after) that one have been absolute successes, but man, that surely was an Epic Fail...

    Ironically enough, not long after that level my kid started "playing" with me around the age of 2 and all he understood about the game was that he had to tap the "red dot" to win the level, so I would play the level and he would tap the win, which inspired me to create my 1-Tap-Win series. Like my old levels, the first few levels are random Mekorama doodles I built next to him so he could just tap anywhere without losing and after some tapping and moving around, find the "red dot" and win, and because I compensated gameplay with design in that series, it actually got more success than my old levels! So it was an interesting turn of events where my most embarrassing moment turned into a 25 levels series that was actually well received :D.

    Well, that was my Epic (Mekorama) Fail, what's yours? ;)
    Garden Warfare, ADM, Logo and 7 others like this.
  2. ADM

    ADM Guest

    My mekorama fail isn't that epic but I would like to share it.
    I always try to make levels which are more good looking. In One of my levels named "Up Down Up" I made two trees and the path to complete the level was from the top of one of those trees. I really have a bad habit of not completing my level "in one go" before publishing them. So after designing the level I was looking for some flaws and I found that a block on one of those trees was missing, I thought it would not look good so I placed that block again and didn't wait even for a second and posted it. After almost 15 mins @Don G Rowe commented that "Something is wrong, this level seems impossible", I was like :eek: and :D at the same time. That's because I thought I tricked Don, what a great achievement!! I even commented that its possible and I will add a solution video later... and now the climax, started solving the level and :eek::eek: I'm unable to complete it!! That block which I placed just to save the looks ruined the whole level! I privately messaged Don and thanked him to tell the flaw in such short time and then reuploaded it without it, and u know what, Don rated it 5*:D

    So it's pretty much I wanted to say, I hope I didn't bore u guys:D
    Frenzies, nGord and Chuckthulhu like this.
  3. Chuckthulhu

    Chuckthulhu Spanish Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Sep 5, 2016
    Hahaha, that's really funny! And finally someone follows the thread :D. Thank you!
    ADM and nGord like this.
  4. ADM

    ADM Guest

    Oh yes! I thought its a latest thread but when I saw the date u posted ur story it was Feb 2017:eek:. I think everyone is expert here, or just don't want to share their flaws:D
    Chuckthulhu likes this.
  5. Garden Warfare

    Garden Warfare New Member

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    Apr 3, 2018
    Well, I'm a total beginner when it comes to building levels, so I don't have any epic fails to share. But I'm pretty sure I will make lots of mistakes... I will certainly describe them here, that's for sure ;)
    Chuckthulhu likes this.
  6. Garden Warfare

    Garden Warfare New Member

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    Apr 3, 2018
    Fail acquired :) It has to do with my level called The Dam - when I was building it, I wanted the door should be opened only a little bit - but when I finished, I realised people will just open the door - so I had to add some zappers. Still it is too easy. And that's it - my Mekorama fail. Will certainly tell about more!
    Chuckthulhu, nGord and sawdust like this.
  7. Mekob_123

    Mekob_123 Well-Known Member

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    May 25, 2021
    My fail is:


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