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Comments on Profile Post by Block builder

  1. nGord
    I bet he'll sound different if you're underwater as well. Try it if you don't believe me. :D
    Jan 8, 2017
    cpw and Block builder like this.
  2. Block builder
    Block builder
    Argh, now my phone is dead. But it did sound different for about 5 seconds. :D
    Jan 8, 2017
    nGord and cpw like this.
  3. nGord
    Think on the bright side: Now with a new phone you'll get to start the original levels all over again and will then most definitely notice B's pitter patter underwater right in the first level! No need to go back to settings at all! :thumbsup:
    Jan 8, 2017
    Chuckthulhu, cpw and Block builder like this.
  4. cpw
    I'm probably one of the few who would always play it with sound. The ambient music in R-only puzzles especially makes the level more enjoyable :rolleyes:
    Jan 8, 2017
    Chuckthulhu and Block builder like this.
  5. Chuckthulhu
    I play it with sound but no music, maybe I should play it with both more often...
    Jan 9, 2017
    cpw likes this.