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Catch Me If You Can

[MAKE SURE FREE CAMERA IS ON] On his epic journey to the treasure, B finds himself being chased by R, who vows to keep him away from revealing the island's classified top secret......

Catch Me If You Can
cpw, Oct 17, 2016
Helena, PerryEk, Skitmo and 3 others like this.
    • cpw
      Final version! (thanks @Frenzies, and especially @TR O for his dedicated feedbacks). This version introduces many fixes to each mechanism. Note that the jump is also made easier and can be seen as a potential shortcut, but be warned that you'll miss the action scenes. :D

    • chemi
      Hi @cpw, after many tries I am stuck in what I think is the third trick of the level. As soon as I pass a gap using a moving block, a light brown block fall down (it seems it is a timmer after I pass the second trick of the level). I don't find how to arrive to the jump platform without it. o_O Any tip?
    • cpw
      Use the zapper bot's head as a stepping stone :D

      I realize this move isn't something that anyone could figure out without prior knowledge of it (despite working very consistently). @S. Nagy also used it in Special Forces, though that was a level full of special techniques that made it very difficult to solve (for those unfamiliar with them). Guess I should just avoid it in future levels :confused:
    • chemi
      Gulp! I think I wouldn't try such thing ever.... Thanks.
      cpw likes this.
    • kayody09
      For some reason in this version, right when I start the level the next block/platform to step on drops down, and both me and the zapper get stuck and can't go anywhere??
    • cpw
      @kayody09 It's supposed to fall and B needs to use his strength to keep it upright.
      Set B to move forward on the upper level (the green path) and immediately drag the slider down. He'll go ahead and push the platform's handle, causing it to go back up :D
    • kayody09
      Ahh don't know why I wasn't thinking of that. Thank you :)
      cpw likes this.
    • Rating:
      Rohan Kumar
      Nice level in total, but tha last pushy thing mostly doesn't end on the spot, this level seriously took days of effort to be crafted.
      Tip: avoid making too many shadow objects, each shadow is layer on top of another and cause that slow pace of the level.
      cpw likes this.
    • Rohan Kumar
      Did u even read it ?:p
    • cpw
      @Rohan Kumar Yay :D I'm so glad you liked it! Yes I admit that was an annoyance probably due to the L-shaped draggable lift. I would have made it in a straight line instead to ensure it flies straight to its destination, but I can no longer afford another grid of space outside the 16x16 area...... :oops::p
    • cpw
      @Rohan Kumar Yes I did, especially because it's so rare to see a rating on this level of mine. :rolleyes:
    • Rohan Kumar
      That started with me also , my last few level aren't even getting comments, They get views but no comments , I don't even know they were able to solve it or not. :confused: I am concerned how things are going now a days.:(
    • cpw
      @Rohan Kumar Yeah, I was frankly a little disappointed that this one got considerable amount of views each time I re-uploaded it, yet no one really rated / completed it except @TR O (who rated the previous version). I think our players somewhat tend to rate levels that are readily solvable and fun (without causing too much frustration), while the really hard and complex ones (other examples being @Gepeto 's Transformers and @S. Nagy 's Special Forces) usually get no more than 3~4 ratings. Which is not necessarily a bad thing since the difficulty setting should cater to most people, but sometimes we as the designers really just wanna do something really, really tricky. :D
    • vince
      @cpw Unfortunately my phone (Huawei y6) is not powerful enough to play your level with acceptable framerate! That may explain the little number of ratings, if only the latest Samsung or Apple phone can manage such very big levels.
    • cpw
      Though of course, people would generally lose interest if a level has to be fixed and re-uploaded :rolleyes: I'm actually quite impressed that both @TR O and you are still willing to give it a try. For a complex design at this scale I should have done even more fine-tuning before uploading it, but I guess I was too eager to publish it after spending a whole week. :D
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