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Block Combinations Dragging hidden draggables

Discussion in 'Game Behaviours' started by explorer, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. explorer

    explorer Active Member

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    Oct 1, 2016
    Not exactly "transparent" visually, but one can touch/move draggables through solid walls if. B is absent.

    Here's an example.


    There's a rising pillar in that base which can be dragged upwards by sweeping up starting from that metal block embedded in the edge of the pedestal, and if you move the slider so it's centered over the center of the pedestal, the rising pillar will result in the wind button hitting the slider.

    This also works on the four corners and along the walls. The metal block is just to visibly mark a starting point.

    Substituting B for that R makes the "transparency" end. In other words, the solidity of the walls seems to be triggered, like the sparking of the zappers, by B's presence.

    I was throwing together some levels for a friend, and was developing other ideas when I ran across this behavior. I'm against having "hidden" moving features which don't have controls which are visible at all, but I thought this was interesting....
    nGord, Star Penguin and hadi like this.
  2. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    I'm guessing that B's presence affects the raycast algorithm of the game that detects which block the player is attempting to touch.

    When B is present, it's possible that the game software must pay better attention to whether the player tapped the screen (for B's movement calculation) or whether the screen was swiped (to move a draggable or orientate the map).

    Conversely, without B, taps are irrelevant. Thus, it's possible that without B present, all screen touches are assumed to be swipes and thus the software looks immediately for a draggable within the raycast of the screen touch ignoring any other blocks in the way.

    Pure speculation on my part.
  3. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    I agree.

    In fact, I suspect that nearly everyone would agree. I remember a level built once that had draggables completely obfuscated by other blocks such that only one person was able to find the draggables. The creator subsequently deleted the level having received only one rating of 2 stars. [More on that in the next post.]

    If the player is given a chance to locate the draggables, though, then some players may enjoy such a game. I've seen this done with the placement of draggables in shadows or left partially visible due to the shape of some blocks (like cylinders) that don't completely cover the draggable.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
  4. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    One more point: there is actually a way to make a level with completely hidden draggables while also including B in the level. @Ricko made such a level back in October 2016. But he deleted it because players complained that they couldn't find the draggables.

    How he did it was by using wedge blocks to obscure the view of the draggables. Over a year later, @vince conducted extensive analysis on the true physical properties/boundaries of blocks and found that wedges, for example, surprisingly have a gap around them. Even though they appear to abut other blocks perfectly, they don't. Because of this invisible gap, it was possible (in @Ricko's deleted level) to swipe near a wedge and have the draggable behind it move!

    Again, I also think that making a level with this kind of hidden exploit would be ill advised.
    vince likes this.

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