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New Blocks Automatic Moving Blocks

Discussion in 'Mekorama 2.0' started by billionYoshi, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. billionYoshi

    billionYoshi Member

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    Jan 26, 2022
    Well, to be honest, this is the first time I have posted a thread on this forum, so there will definitely be a lot of things that are not good enough, so please read it carefully. :oops:

    1. What are Automatic Moving Blocks?
    I define them as blocks that move automatically when any object steps on them, that are destroyed when they reach the end point set in the editor and then regenerated where they started.

    2. The effects of introducing Automatic Moving Blocks?
    One of its uses is to increase the difficulty limit of the level: for example, the B Bot needs to follow the Automatic Moving Blocks from the moment it steps on them to avoid falling off the platform; Another effect is to enrich the puzzle play: for example, let the B Bot and the Moving Automatic Moving Blocks cooperate to push the ball to pave the road.

    3. Which Automatic Moving Blocks are divided into?
    • Automatic Moving Block Core: Without this block, the other Automatic Moving Blocks are just plain decorative blocks. This kind of blocks need to be connected to regular Automatic Moving Blocks to work properly. It is divided into three colors, green represents the slow moving speed after activation, yellow represents the normal moving speed after activation, and red represents the fast moving speed after activation. They also require an additional set path for action after activation.
    • Normal Automatic Moving Blocks You need to connect the Automatic Moving Blocks Core to work properly. They are brown and follow the Automatic Moving Blocks Core when activated.
    4. What is the nature of this block?
    • Objects on top don't move with them. (Except Zapper)
    • They stop moving as soon as they get blocked.
    • They wait 2 seconds after they stop before being destroyed.
    • When Normal Automatic Moving Blocks are connected to more than one Core, only one Core is activated at random.
    • When the same Core is connected by Automatic Moving Blocks from multiple directions, this Core will not work.
    These are all my thoughts, I don't know if this paragraph is difficult to understand, but I hope you will enjoy them! :p
    EL797 likes this.

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