It doesn't feel right to post a new level without beating some of the new levels that popped up. So many talented creators.
After the sty, I got a stomach virus, covid, 4 abscesses, 2 tooth extractions and a new video game obsession. Thus, I have been absent..
Almost all better now. I almost couldn't open my eyes at all for two days, and it was pretty bad before too. I cant look at a screen long enough or well enough to solve puzzles or build levels yet but I've still been collecting cards.
@Adiorama how very right you are. But the great thing with Mekorama is that, even though parts may repeat from level to level, each card is really truly unique.
Wow. Three posts!! Basically, in summary: had creator block and very busy - hello, am working on new level.
Well, I just found out that the enter button will post what I've typed, so I need to be careful. ..... I would normally start a new line, so
I wonder which level I should post tomorrow. I have one that requires more timing, a giant logic puzzle, or a sneaky solo B trick run. Hm...
Well, when I do, I usually have to play through the level up to 10 times so I dont mess anything up. It's not that the levels are too hard. Its mildly comparable to stage fright.