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Meko Guy
May 29, 2019
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Meko Guy

Famous Member, Male

The forum looks pretty quiet so I'll post a level to help out. Jan 16, 2025

    1. Link
      @Meko Guy

      1. When you play a level, what main parts are you looking for in it (e.g. Tricks)?

      2. How do you make R and L move smoothly in a level?

      3. How do you make all the gameplay (Motors, R and L, Sliders, Draggables, Slider Rails, etc.) not ruin the level design?

      (I just want to improve at making levels and ones that you will like)
      1. Mekob_123 likes this.
      2. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        I'll start a conversation with you.
        Jun 10, 2021
        Link and Mekob_123 like this.
    2. Mr Lemon
      Mr Lemon
      what kind of puzzles do you like the most, for accuracy and time or where you need to think?
      1. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        I'm not a fan of hidden, high precision and zapper dodging. Logic levels will always be in style and adding in some tricks can boost a level to make it more interesting.
        Jun 5, 2021
      2. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        Forgot to mention - Tossing balls, golf games and pinball are all done already - did I mention that logic was good ? (Yes)
        Jun 5, 2021
    3. BlueDragon
      Congratulations on 600 levels. That's a lot. :)

      For the next 600 level. ;)
    4. Blue Tower
      Blue Tower
      Congratulations on reaching 4000 likes! Another 1000 likes = 5000 likes!
      1. Meko Guy likes this.
      2. Divya
        Jan 30, 2021
      3. Divya
        That's awesome, 4000 likes!
        Jan 30, 2021
      4. Riyanda Ahyaritama
        Riyanda Ahyaritama
        Congrats MR. you always the best author. You are our inspiration:-)
        Jan 31, 2021
    5. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      Yes - when a one tap level gets 4 stars, should a 4 tap level get 5 stars?
      1. Link, Mekob_123, Ray Aznable and 3 others like this.
    6. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      It appears to me that our rating system is broken.
      1. Riyanda Ahyaritama likes this.
      2. Riyanda Ahyaritama
        Jan 14, 2021
      3. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        There has been too many levels getting 4 stars for little to no game play. Recently a one tap one step level got two 4 stars and today, a 3 tap level gets many four stars. I feel bad to give you 4 stars as even with some issues, your levels was much more superior.
        Jan 14, 2021
        Riyanda Ahyaritama likes this.
      4. Riyanda Ahyaritama
        Riyanda Ahyaritama
        Ah yes XD
        Jan 14, 2021
        Meko Guy likes this.
    7. Amircreador
      @Meko Guy, hello, where did you find the error in my last level i'm looking for it and i can't find it
      1. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        I'll start a conversation as this shouldn't be in my profile page...
        Dec 22, 2020
    8. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      Woo Who - The new version of Mekorama now works in MEmu so I have the new version on my PC.
      1. nGord
        Nov 12, 2020
    9. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      I'm wondering if flooding is allowed on the forum as many cards were reported today for flooding and it doesn't appear anything happened.
      1. Mekob_123 and EL797 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. nGord
        I think there's a misunderstanding. Not flooding is not a rule, merely a suggestion to appeal to the community. The system notice is there to alert them of what is expected, but language skills and power of observation can't be controlled for. After that it's up to the community to deliberate preferences in level/profile/forum comments.
        May 4, 2020
      4. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        Fair enough on that wording so flooding is allowed.
        May 4, 2020
      5. nGord
        I wouldn't say allowed as much as discouraged. It's just that staff can't do much more about it.
        May 4, 2020
        Chasano222 likes this.
    10. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      Came across a new trick. Will exploit it further and post a level with the trick included. It's a variation of a previously know trick.
    11. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      Mekorama may have exploits but there's no video editing in the game - good thing too.
      1. Master Author
        Master Author
        you tried to exposed one of my yt videos..:)
        Mar 19, 2020
      2. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        'exposed' - It's obvious you are having fun with video editing but is this really the place for it? That's not a question....
        Mar 19, 2020
        Mayko likes this.
      3. Ray Aznable
        Ray Aznable
        Mar 19, 2020
        Meko Guy likes this.
    12. B-Bot
      Just a favor, could you follow me
      1. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        I'm curious where your profile updates are as I can't see them in your profile?
        Jan 26, 2020
      2. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        I see them now - thanks nGord
        Jan 30, 2020
        nGord likes this.
      3. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        @B-Bot - Why would you like me to follow you?
        Jan 30, 2020
    13. B-Bot
      I @Meko Guy I just popped in at work, close to the weekend and I am exhausted! I cant play mekorama levels because, my phone broke!
      1. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        I see this comments on the main page of Forum but I can't see them otherwise, where are they?
        Jan 26, 2020
      2. nGord
        They are on your profile @Meko Guy. The arrow between your username and B-Bot's indicates this.
        Jan 29, 2020
        Meko Guy likes this.
    14. Meko Guy
    15. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      Had no wifi all day due to power outage at the tower not at home. I'll post 2 levels tomorrow
      1. BangTe and Źàiď like this.
    16. Frince
      1. laurence.gr, EL797 and Źàiď like this.
      2. Źàiď
        Sep 6, 2019
        Frince likes this.
      3. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        Frince and I had a conversation off line about this. He was saying my levels are very similar to gmacpro's. When I first started here, the levels were too hard and when I came across gmacpro's level I was able to get immediate help via the hints or videos so I learnt a lot quickly. After playing almost all gmacpro's levels before beginning my own, I guess they rubbed off on me.
        Sep 6, 2019
        Frince likes this.
    17. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      I'm done with hidden levels....
    18. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      Been away but I'm back!!
      1. Mekob_123 likes this.
    19. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      The lack of levels gives me more time to make new ideas.
    20. Meko Guy
      Meko Guy
      I'm working on a few level ideas - should be ready soon. Still learning as much as I can about the other side of the game
        Dude, I would love to give you some Ideas and tips. If you have Instagram we can talk and I can send you some cards with some game mechanics I like it
        Jun 9, 2019
        Meko Guy likes this.
      2. Meko Guy
        Meko Guy
        Thanks for the offer. I may need some ideas in the future but right now I have lots of ideas to put pen to paper so to speak. You make your levels so I can play them.
        Jun 9, 2019
        Frince and THUNDERGUN like this.
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