... you are falling in love, thats why ur previous 3 pro.pic. and the current one, are all heart picture.
Absolutely not :D I put it just bcz everyone put B alone in their Avatar so i put someone who accompanies B :D Now B isn't alone. :)
Now i knew why @Martin Magni is updating Mekorama. Bcz of @Mike_CN , @XSHY and @935 's insane bugs :rofl:
... this week, mekoforum is ambushed by @Mike_CN 's QQchat Gang :p (@935, @XSHY, @Lang Tao Jin, @144of, @FXCX)
... @Anomynous i have two most important levels that kept in mind everyday... first, an editted version of "Seelen Einz" remodelled by @Meko Guy but i havnt post it yet, still waiting for the best moment. and second one is "the mosque", that u honoring me, by inviting me to collab with...
... which will took time undefienetly, cuz i need to use my fullheart to create any level. as u can see me really seldom to post level.
... mr. fred commented about FB on tuesday. i said that his "High Ball Last" deserve to be featured in FB on wednesday. so both doesnt corellated. im relieved :p anyway, i dont use FB either. but in fact, it is the social media, which most visited by people around the world, other than YT, IG & twitter. sadly every levels posted there, doesnt included link to connect to this forum.
@Ray Aznable - one reason that the FB featured levels don't include a link to this forum is that the Mekorama FB page belongs to Martin Magni while this forum does not. Still, Martin has linked to this forum in official places.
... my opinion is, it just some numbers. if mine is reduced too i wouldnt mind. cuz i dont understand whats those like used for... a year ago i ever questioned why chemi have most like... the reason i asked that because.... (...to be continue)
... im looking at somebody's like count to easily find good levels in that person's album. turns out its not be like that.
@EL797 - Your statistics may have been affected too. I didn't delete them from Anomynous. I deleted them from a spammer who went around liking things indiscriminately or with partiality.
Such a wonderful day.On the 1st levels page we can find alot of professional creators.(@EL797 @Fendi Rahardian @Meko Guy @Logo @D.S.Masters)
... u forgot @mothproof, he is also old author from 2017... and yes @P_simorf also @Steven Maki who is being so productive creating level. and improved so quick. his ideas are good enough to be ignored.