I'll go first:what do you call a man with three eyes,three ears,three mouths and three legs? Spoiler: Answer Answer: Ugly
What type of chicken have no feathers? Spoiler: Answer Chicken, the meaning of coward. They have no feathers! Spoiler: Another answer Cooked chicken.
You're probably too young to remember this, but the answer to the question "what is life?" used to be "an old magazine"... my father taught me that one decades ago.
And then there's the old standard 'Dad jokes'... "Why did the melons get married? Because they cantaloupe." (that's pronounced 'can't elope' in American English) Or another... "What do a piano, tuna, and glue have in common?" "You can tune a piano, but you can't piano a tuna. So why the glue?" "I knew you'd get stuck on that."
What do u say after ur dad goes to the bathroom when a bomb is inside of the toilet? Spoiler: Answer "dad, fart, bathroom, boom. Do I really need to explain it more?" If The full joke was said in my native language (with bad words) it would be a lot funnier
Rice As Big as the Grasp of the Hand In swarms of ants, What is it? Spoiler: Answer "Snake Fruit!" Funny?