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Help - Forum Thumbnails

Discussion in 'General (Issues, Help, Discussions)' started by BlueXyth, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. BlueXyth

    BlueXyth Guest

    Hi everyone,
    I want to create costumized thumbnails for my levels. So, I will not use the auto-generated image from the app to illustrate my levels. Do I have the right to do that?

    Thanks for your help!
  2. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 21, 2016
    Hi @BlueXyth, unfortunately no.

    While I think it could be cool, we have experimented with the idea in the past and it just got out of hand.

    Most members also appreciate seeing a representative thumbnail so they don't have to click on every thumbnail just to see the actual card.

    The staff would surely be open to suggestions though.
  3. BlueXyth

    BlueXyth Guest

    Thanks for your help @nGord !
    I understand what you said. I did a preview if the staff accept it
    I will not post it if you don't accept customized images ;)
    (the black in the picture will be replaced by white, the font will be different, the picture and QR code are wrong, that's just a preview)
  4. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 21, 2016
    As much as I applaud you submitting an example, I think it would be better to submit a set of rules that everyone could follow and that could be enforced. I would also like for the community to chime in on the topic.

    What you may find attractive others may not. Hence why we would need to work with guidelines. Naturally, the staff cannot be expected to approve just one visual example as that is too vague and too specific at the same. Similarly, we can't make an exception just for you this time.
  5. BlueXyth

    BlueXyth Guest

    Thanks for these informations! And it's correct, I will use the auto-generated card! I'm not sad, don't worry!
    Thanks for your help and for your answers!

    nGord likes this.

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