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Hi I'm new here!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Alberto, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. Alberto

    Alberto Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi I'm new here!

    Hi, thanks for my subscription approval on Mekorama forum.
    I am Alberto, an Italian man living in north west Italy.

    I've discovered Mekorama some month ago, and while solving the base plays included and learning it all. I started soon to try to experiment with what I were learning, and created my first few Meko games.

    I was immediately seduced by the mechanics of the simulation, the behaviors of the B bot and R bot (Right man), and the infinite combinations that opens up in the editor in a so little world of 16 x 16 x 16 cells.

    I think the Martin programming art is more than excellent, and the uncountable surprises hidden in the bot's walking secrets are a complete delight for my programmer's past skills.

    In my infancy, I was a Lego player, and now, to have something on my pad where I can build objects and mechanisms and combine pieces, is a joy of life to me.

    I am still a creative thinker. I like to challenge limitations of instruments I use, find unexpected workings of the things, and in some of my cards, you may find that I try to challenge hardly the Mekorama world dimensions in particular ;-) .

    I like to discover behavior of objects and figures and and to use them to make a plot. I've seen that you guys here, you have done this very well, and I am still slowly discovering and admiring all these wonderful constructions.

    I also like to take inspiration from real life objects and try to mimic them into my cards, so in my puzzles, you may often find something that remember objects or things that you use in your life, and that try to mimic to work in similar way.

    I also have other ideas to realize, some of them I've read carbon copy in the forum creations challenges, as that to recreate new versions of original standard set Mekorama plays, with same exterior aspect but with different and more unexpected behavior. That's a challenge in which I may try also to measure my ability in future.

    I am an IT man; I should theoretically know how to test my play creations, but who knows.
    But hey, if I made a mistake pls don't blame me, we are here to play.
    I will try to repair all you will find, whenever possible.
    If you find errors or shortcuts in my cards, please tell me soon.

    I hope to be able to realize good puzzles, to make few errors, and to give a good contribute to the community.
    I will not have a continuous presence, but will try to be here when I can.
    I will try to respect the forum rules, anyway, in case of any problems, please drop me a note.

    Tech note:
    I am trying to install a screen recorder app, but my device has an old OS, then may be unsuitable, so I cannot actually create solution videos.
    So, I've tried to prepare enough hints to my contributes by wording, and in one case I have wrote a complete solution, to be kept hidden. Hope to be able to add them when I go to publish section.


    Measure of my Mekorama beginner addiction :
    installed Mekorama on: 2/8/2018 (8/2/2018 American)
    number of Mekorama created in first week: 6
    number of Mekorama created in second week: 5
    number of Mekorama created in first month: 13
    (then relaxed, as I go for more complicated makings)
    (btw, now I am @ 21 Mekos ready to publish).

    forum subscription on: 21 September
    subscription approved on: 22 September
    first contributes: 10 October
    my first post: 19/10/2018 (this intro)

    Now I shall publish my little works!
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
    EL797 and nGord like this.
  2. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Welcome Alberto! That is an amazing introduction. Thanks for sharing so much! I'm looking forward to seeing your creations!

    And equally, feel free to ask anyone here for any tips or help too. Enjoy!
    Alberto likes this.
  3. Alberto

    Alberto Member

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    Sep 21, 2018
    Thank, and sorry for any mistake XD I know my english should be a little strange :D
    nGord likes this.
  4. Alberto

    Alberto Member

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    Sep 21, 2018
    Only to test these star characters from my Android: ★★★☆☆ nGord, if you can read the stars they are ok. I am reading the Pdf & threads for exporting cards.
    By the way, some Q:
    - how much text I can put in the description?
    - can I put part of the text with the spoiler tag, in the description, or is better to add subsequent comments for the hints and for the steps?
    - is ever possible to nest two spoiler tags? say hint and, inside, the steps ( only for one card :D)?
    - by the way, RTFM but still have not understand what folder name logic shall use: "<my name>'s cards" is fine to begin?
    Thanks nGord or anyone replying, hope not questioning anymore after these replies XD
  5. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    They work! :)
    Awesome! The share button (bottom right) is your friend and a friend to everyone else as it produces nice clean images. :thumbsup:
    300 characters. :cool:
    Unfortunately spoilers cannot be put in the description field. They can only be put in level comments (or in messages). You can add as much as you want in the first comment. I would recommend, however, that you have your text drafted elsewhere first and ready to put in the first comment or else someone may comment on your level before you have. :mad:
    Yes! In fact you can go as deep as you want before risking aggravating others. :oops:
    Yeah, don't worry much about this. Use anything you want. And we can always change it later if you want. :sneaky:

    Ask away!
  6. Alberto

    Alberto Member

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    Sep 21, 2018
    Ok then I can use them :thumbsup: you will see my idea in my first card description, hope it will be accepted :D
    Yes I use that, not the shots :sneaky:
    Yes, I slept on it, I will divide base description, from hints and, if needed, steps.
    Ok, I yet have the texts ready :p
    Only one more level, if necessary, and only in one case or two :sneaky: but I can think on it again. My idea was to include the second spoiler tag for the detailed steps, inside the spoiler for the hint, but it seems too complicated, maybe I will separate the two in two different comments, that will make it more readable.
    Good to know! :p
    Yes! Here I am :D

    Another brief thing: I tested the loading, and only one proved unloadable, among 21, that's good, I will optimize it on Customizer. But, others are there, that are loadable on my device, but have very tiny Qr in them.
    - Am I guaranted that Mekorama will load a Qr the same, on every device the same way, or there are differences, say loading them from Ipod version vs Android or so? :unsure:
    - I've read at least two times, different places, of to not optimize Qr that are already readable. That means "defensive" optimizing is against policies, right? :D

    Anyway, I will start to publish some, so I try the public trial now :D
    Thanks and regards :)
  7. Alberto

    Alberto Member

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    Sep 21, 2018
    Rereading, I've changed "smitten" to "seduced", i like more. ;)
    And btw... "word" was really right as "world" :p, I've tried to clarify it, now should be right.
    (Btw, nGord, how do you send an alert?) :D
    nGord likes this.
  8. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    After two+ years, I have yet to hear anyone mention that they could be different, so I assume that Android and iOS will both load QR codes equally well. That being said, some devices may behave differently not because of their OS, but perhaps because of the quality of the camera on their device. Older ones may have difficulty focusing perhaps. :shrug:
    Hmm, I don't remember seeing such policy, but I would recommend against it. I think it would be both a waste of time and will change the look of the card unnecessarily. This community values/likes clean original looking cards.
    You can't. The software sends alerts to members. Members can select what they want to receive alerts about (based on their preference settings). Moderators can, however, chose to have an alert sent (pushed to a member) after making some change (like editing a forum message or closing out a report). Members can only send "private conversations" (internal mail) or post on someone's profile page (which will likely send them an alert).
    Alberto likes this.
  9. Alberto

    Alberto Member

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    Sep 21, 2018
    @nGord many thanks for the clear info! :thumbsup:
    nGord likes this.

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