I've made this thread, because of one problem that I met while being on this forum, and I am interested, if someone else also met this problem. Sometimes when you post your level only one or two people rate and comment it, maybe they rate it even after a while, but no one else rate and comment it, and no matter with what quality your level was. Sometimes levels that you were building for about week becoming unseen, and you can't see constructive critic.
Some levels really go unnoticed, but I believe it's more because of the fact that several levels are created every day here in the forum.
I used to rate almost all the levels uploaded here. I don't get enough time these days but I try to support creators by "liking" their levels. I'm pretty sure other members are facing the same problem. Second factor is the size of level. If the level is long/tricky it will have less chances of getting rated. Only dedicated members like @delator77, @gmacpro and @chemi will rate it. That's why short and good looking levels have more ratings. Third factor is the creator. If you observe correctly, only specific creators are able to get 5-10 ratings or even more. That's because people expect that they are going to be enjoyable and they are. I know how it feels when you make a level slowly investing your precious time and it ends up getting one or two ratings. So try to be friendly you will start getting enough ratings.
I have the same problem. I spend more time creating and testing a level than it appears all others spent attempting the level. Of course, we are just going by the comments/rating and even though you may only get one comment or none, I know players are playing it and/or attempting it. Sometimes, I'll comment on a creator's level and they'll say 'Thanks @gmacpro - I play all your levels' - and I'll say 'thanks but I don't recall getting one comment'. I used to comment on all levels worth commenting but I've changed my rule... 'What goes around comes around'. I'll comment two or three times and if I don't get a comment back on my levels then I'm done having a one way conversation. It may sound childish but as @ADM said, there's only so much time and I'll spend mine doing something else. Have you noticed that some of the new members on the forum don't even bother to like your comment?
Whatever you said is completely right. Even I don't find it right to rate someone else's level and get nothing in return, that's another reason I don't rate much levels these days. There are some creators who make excellent levels but aren't active at all. All they expect it loads of good ratings and they are gone. I do rated their levels but not anymore.
Hey Br0K3N - I've also noticed this lately, but the members whose opinions I value still rate my levels. I think one other problem is the increase number of levels posted. Recently there has been a large influx of new members, which increased the number of new levels posted by at least 50%. That figure may be too large, but it was very noticeable. I think some levels got lost in the shuffle, so to speak. Some of these members have stayed, some have left. Many are quite talented. For a while I didn't even bother to post any levels due to the competition. Bad attitude, but true. The influx seems to have stabilized, with an increased number of committed members, and the ones who were not serious have left. I think Martin would like this increase in dedicated membership!
Me too.. The only thing I can do is trying to make my levels better in gameplay and design, and hoping that more members will play, comment, and rate my levels.