If you device is rooted, you can move any level to the editor, I think, by moving the file to the correct place. I could be wrong, though, but I'm sure that you can at least transfer levels from your old device to a new one.
Really? Let me do some research EDIT: This post seems to imply that it's possible by root, but it's about the level collection (not in the editor).
I found the source: https://mekoramaforum.com/threads/card-duplication-overwriting.291/page-2#post-2567
I don't really understand what he said . So it's not possible, even with root? I thought it was possible because of this thread but Martin hasn't posted on it.
Rereading Martin's explanation and his Twitter response, it does appear that you are correct: I remembered that the levels were stored in binary with time stamps and that the app recreates the cards from this information. But as our research points out, rather than saving all the data to one file, Martin clarified that each card is it's own file. Technically then one could find and transfer these files. It would be interesting to know the file/folder structure of the app and this may end up being OS specific.
The levels are stored in the local app data on android (/data/data/com.martinmagni.mekorama/files on my device). These are not readable over USB or from file browsers in most situations without root. However, as people have mentioned, if you do have root it is easy to back up these files. They're actually fairly easy to manipulate, but I'll omit further comment as manipulating these files gets close to hacking territory IMO. I haven't tried out the Helium backup utility, but from what I read it should be capable of transferring mekorama levels to a new phone for most models. It uses your computer to get limited root access while tethered by USB. In any case, I would be sure to backup any levels you have using the image exporter. That way you can at least play them, even if they aren't editable anymore.
I had a bunch of levels, completed a lot of the game and created my own levels. But I can't figure out where Mekorama stores all this so I can copy that over to my fresh install. I have Droid Maxx and it can bridge onto another memory card, so I uninstalled everything, restored the phone to factory defaults, and rebuild everything using the new SD card I installed. But I seem to have lost my game progress, downloaded levels and custom levels. How can I get these back? Thank you for your help!
Using Facebook to do , with it you are able to transfer your account to new phone ,but keep in mind , your FB is already tied to your old phone , if the transfer program is not completed ,you can use third-party tools to transfer, but it need you to pay ,
@lasccer Welcome! Using Facebook to transfert data from a device to another? I'm not sure about that... Mekorama is not a FB game but a dedicate application
Sorry , Mekorama is an application , to transfer app with Facebook , This part will be failure if the Facebook is not tied to the phone account , to be honest, unless you're a mobile phone or programmer
As i know ,if you want to transfer between the same device phone , maybe this user guide can easily do this http://www.iphonetransferrecovery.com/tutorials/transfer-contacts-from-iphone-to-android.html but between different two phone devices,such as transfer process of Android to iPhone . it is hard to do, and i have never tried use Facebook to do this ,
I've kept backup levels with HeliumBackup without root my phone for a year. I noticed about what you are talking about and then tried copy my recent backup to my other 2 phones and guess what? One works perfect as expected and the other got totally messed, all those cards show the same pictures of only a few of levels but without water.
That's weird. It sounds like the level files directory got corrupted when HeliumBackup restored it. It's good to know that it works in some cases to transfer levels. Was there anything special about the phone that didn't work? Maybe a different version of Android, or a different manufacturer? The issue that only the water was messed up is particularly weird, and might point to a problem restoring the app rather than corrupt levels.
The messed one is very old and runs Android version 4.04(not the 4.4) inside and not produced by Samsung(The Helium won't work on some models). 3 were made by 3 manufactures. At first I thought the issue was due to the version of Android 4 but data of some other games like SuvivalCraft1 could be transferred to it, and then played without any problem at all. I don't know what happened but I think the backups themselves are all good. The phone to play mekorama and make backups is Android 6.0 armed. Those backups can be transferred to and let the mekorama be played without problem with the one running Android version 5.0.