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Various A 20+ year game player, leveler and modeler veteran speaks...

Discussion in 'Mekorama 2.0' started by DreamBliss, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. DreamBliss

    DreamBliss Member

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    Mar 24, 2017
    A very, very long time ago I was highly active in the Unreal Tournament and Morrowind gaming communities. I released many levels and mods. I learned 3DS Max, then, towards the end of my mapping days, I learned the basics of Blender. It is from this experience that I wish to speak. Mekorama has drawn me back into video games, given me something I have been missing for some time, and I would like to see it improve. So here goes...

    First and most importantly, get rid of the 3D Isometric camera. Leave it as an option, turned off by default, for those who want it. But make the game and the editor operate in a free view. And not the free view it already operates in when that option is selected as the game is now. It is still 3D Isometric focused. You are looking down at an angle at everything. We need the Y, or up and down axis, especially for mapping. This is most important! You will be amazed to see the levels that will emerge once mappers can precisely place their blocks.

    Secondly we need an unlimited undo/redo. I don't recommend complicating the interface. It should remain very simple, just as it is. That was one of the mistakes that Epic made with UnrealED. The best version of that editor came with Unreal Tournament. It was the best because it was simple, yet powerful. I HIGHLY recommend you pick up a copy of UT on Steam or somewhere and try the editor out. In studying it you will gain invaluable information for your own game and its editor.

    My advice is maybe a bar along the bottom or side, depending on how the phone is held. The bar would contain undo/redo, maybe a screenshot button, maybe a zoom slider. Nothing complicated. It would hide automatically by default unless players enabled an "Always Show On" option.

    I love the slideout tray for the addable elements! But you might tweak it so when you click on a pipe, for example, it places all the pipes in front, leaving the view where the player has slid it, making the rear items accessible without adjusting. This is only a minor thing.

    As for the game itself, it would greatly benefit from jump pads and teleporters. Maybe create jump blocks that could be added to a lift to make jump lifts. Also water should be able to fill any space without overflowing everywhere. Finally adding lights, or light blocks, and/or allowing the sun/master light position to be adjusted, this would add a lot to the game. That covers it for now, but I may add more.

    Thank you for making this game, and releasing it the way you did. Awesome job on its design, its tools, its ability to import/export levels, its very nice level editor, keeping things simple, the nice, atmospheric music and sounds. I could go on and on. I am just really enjoying it right now.

    Have you told us yet if your choice of payment method has yielded desirable results or not?
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    Logo, AelJerzhee, nGord and 4 others like this.
  2. Gepeto

    Gepeto MekoStudio Architect Staff Member

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    Jul 7, 2016
    Wow! That's an interesting post with bunch of advices. I am sure @Martin Magni would like to be aware about that. Maybe will you be interrested in some hack we did from the QR Code and where it recently drew us? You could have a valuable point of view for sure. Also, happy to know that you've switched from "death" to "dream" :p. But I am not great historic game "activist" (I used to play Rick Dangerous with passion before Mekorama) :D.
    About the payment method, it's seems that it didn't bring back enough revenue to Martin :( He can speak about that better than me...
    By the way: welcome to the forum! :D
    DreamBliss, Qudion and cpw like this.
  3. DreamBliss

    DreamBliss Member

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    Mar 24, 2017
    Well I have donated some money for this excellent title, and intend to donate more. I hope it at least encourages him. I wish others would donate who have played the game for a while and are still playing it. I mean every dollar helps by at least showing support.

    Checking out your links, thank you!
    Martin Magni and HackedUp like this.
  4. DreamBliss

    DreamBliss Member

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    Mar 24, 2017
    Couple more things...

    Instead of lots of pre-rotated objects, how about adding rotation to objects? Then you just need one object that can be rotated as the mapper wishes. Have it rotatable in 90 degree increments along the x and y ( up and down) axis. Myabe also a move tool for movement of an object.

    To do this, say you add a bar as I suggested earlier. Then all you need is a move button/tool and a rotate button/tool. The user places an object, then clicks a button, and as the user clicks or drags on the object, it is moved or rotated.

    Two block suggestions... A flying block and a magnetic block with a magnetic disc on one face. Or you could just have an arrow on the side, showing the direction of the magnetic face.

    For the magnetic blocks, make it so that when two pads are placed facing each other the top block, and all connected to it, is pushed away a short distance, 1-2 blocks perhaps. If the two pads are not facing, it snaps into place. A magnetic block will attract any metal object to it's pad within the same 1-2 block distance.

    Magnetic blocks will allow bots to walk up walls and on ceilings, opening up all sorts of interesting level design possibilities. But we need the y-axis rotation first, both in the editor and in the game.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    Gepeto likes this.
  5. Martin Magni

    Martin Magni Creator of Mekorama

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    May 23, 2016
    Thanks @DreamBliss for well-informed feature requests, and for donating! :D You might be interested in checking out my earlier game Blocksworld, it has everything you've requested, except the magnets don't allow for walking on walls and ceilings.

    Rick Dangerous? Blast from the past, I used to play that on my Amiga!
    Frenzies and Gepeto like this.
  6. Gepeto

    Gepeto MekoStudio Architect Staff Member

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    Jul 7, 2016
    Haha! It reminds me the war between Amiga vs Atari fan among friends. I was with the Atari team :rolleyes: Also the first time I've experienced changing a byte to have infinite life, coding some pixelized stuff. Then the cracking teams... Maybe "The Replicants" doesn't sound familiar to you? To me, their music and "basic" 3D animations before launching a game was part of my culture :D
  7. DreamBliss

    DreamBliss Member

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    Mar 24, 2017
    If you can port Blocksworld to the Android, I will definitely check it out!
  8. Frenzies

    Frenzies Administrator Staff Member

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    Jun 15, 2016
    Blocksworld was sold to Linden Lab a few years ago, so I don't think that he has any power over it anymore.

    Anyway, I liked your ideas, but teleporters, magnets, etc. seem like they would complicate the game. Also, jump pads are already sort of possible. Just put a motor with its axis on a draggable block (and have the draggable attached to a slider). Lift it when B is on the motor to make him jump.

    I do think that one of the most needed features is to have "Free Camera" on by default, though! I've seen a lot of reviews that deducted stars in their rating because of the locked rotation.

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