1. Announcing Mekorama on the Web!

    Now anyone can play levels from the forum online, with one click!

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    Everything you want to know about Mekorama

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Everything you have always wanted to know about Mekorama

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by nGord, Nov 7, 2016.

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  1. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Welcome Mekorama fans!

    It’s been five years since the release of Martin Magni’s game and the launch of this forum. Since then more than 20,000 new levels have been posted, by thousands of forum members (like you!).

    The following posts provide a few documents to help you get acquainted with this forum and the Mekorama app. They offer lots of useful information and guidance, and we encourage you to download them and take a look when you have time. But here are a few quick notes to help you have a good experience here:
    • This is a friendly place, and a family friendly place, so please be kind and respectful with your comments, and keep the language clean.
    • Please post only one level per day to the Levels section. We know you may be eager to share, but posting many levels at once pushes other people's levels out of view, which is not fair to them. Your levels will be appreciated more if you post them gradually.
    • And please only give ratings to levels that you have won. It's important to complete the level to make sure you understand it and can give a fair review and rating. (New members can comment on levels, but must participate in the forum for two weeks before rating.) And remember: please be kind and respectful.
    If you have any questions or problems in the forum, you can start a conversation with cimarronline or check the FAQ thread. Have fun in the Mekorama forum!

    @richardfu, @Gepeto, @cpw, @Frenzies, @meko, @nGord, @cimarronline
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2022
  2. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Welcome to MekoramaForum

    This first document will help you with this website that @NeoCHI set up for the fans of Mekorama. Most of it is a summary of all the questions that have been asked over the months, but it also includes some basic etiquette that we ask all members to follow. Here is a sample of what you’ll find inside:
    • Common etiquette (e.g. should I be leaving a rating on levels?)
    • Definitions of some common terms (e.g. what is the difference between a notification and an alert)?

    • How to use the Rich Text Editor (e.g. how do I post a picture to a comment?)

    • Tips on creating a user-friendly level (e.g. is a theme really that important?)

    • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) (e.g. my QR code is not scannable, what can I do?)

    • Known issues with this site (e.g. why do I not get “alerts” when I am tagged in a level comment?)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  3. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    Introduction to Mekorama

    Just in case you wanted a review of the game at its core, or whether you would like to introduce someone new to the game, we think you’ll find the attached document useful. Here are some of the things you’ll find in this document:
    • How to navigate the different options in the app itself;

    • What are all the blocks in the game called anyway?

    • A handy lookup to see if we think something was designed intentionally in the game;

    • What is going on in the original level #14, “Back Track” and level #24, “Upmill Battle” when R just seems to turn around for no reason?
    This document is also a great resource to new level designers as some of the basic block functions are described along with core gameplay mechanics.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
    MomoKeego, Mekob_123, BangTe and 9 others like this.
  4. nGord

    nGord Standby Administrator, Retired Moderator Staff Member

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    Jul 21, 2016
    How to Share a Mekorama Level

    Attached to this message you’ll find a document that goes into all the detailed steps of uploading a level to this forum. A few things that you’ll find in this document include:
    • The importance of labelling your levels;

    • How to export an image of your card;

    • Navigating the “Add Level” process;

    • What are all the little icons in the Levels listing page;

    • How can I advertise my levels.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
    Mekob_123, Alberto, Genesis and 7 others like this.
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