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General Discussion What was your favorite level to MAKE?

Discussion in 'General (Issues, Help, Discussions)' started by sawdust, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. sawdust

    sawdust Retired Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jun 8, 2016
    It's time to take off your humble hat and put on your prideful hat. Brag about your own work a little (you know you want to).

    Which level of yours did you have the most fun making?
    Which one was the most rewarding?
    Which one surprised you in the attention it garnered, either good or bad?
  2. B Hill

    B Hill Active Member

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    Jul 28, 2016
    OK I'm game. I think the level I had the most fun making was The Earthquake because I had to figure out how to make it full of action but not have everything fall apart!
    Most rewarding was definitely my Perpetual Mech series. And I was surprised at how many views my Aztec Island Demonstration level got, and some even liked it better than the real level I used that trick in.

    How about you @sawdust ?
    Rohan Kumar likes this.
  3. sawdust

    sawdust Retired Moderator

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    Jun 8, 2016
    @B Hill
    The most fun level to make is hard to pick! I enjoy making levels so much that I rarely have time to play other people's levels anymore, but I would have to say Super Mario Bros was the most fun because there were so many opportunities to problem solve.I knew exactly what I wanted, but not necessarily how I would get there. Usually, I just start putting blocks together with only a vague sense of what I'll end up with, but that one was very purpose-driven.

    Tower Defense was definitely the most rewarding. The first time I shot 2 R-Zaps off the side at the same time was just such a perfect moment!

    The response to Flipped really caught me off guard. I was not expecting that one to be very popular since it was so simple, but I think it gained views faster than almost any level I have made and I had a ton of interaction in the comments.
  4. Frenzies

    Frenzies Administrator Staff Member

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    Jun 15, 2016
    Well, I only have 11 levels, so I can't say much, but I was surprised at the amount of ratings my Win the Odd Bot level got. Before that, I only made a level when I found an awesome bug that could be utilized. This one was so simple, but it got way more ratings than my other levels.

    I was also surprised that my Joystick level barely got ratings (and also that it got a 5-star rating just 20-30 minutes after I uploaded it... it took my friend 40 minutes just to complete it, although he doesn't play other levels) and even a 4 star one for it not being smooth. I tested it in multiple, hard courses, and on multiple devices, so I don't know how it wasn't smooth on his, and I thought it was a great mechanism and would attract some attention.

    And of course, I was surprised that my failed level "Deserted" quickly racked up views.

    Joystick by Frenzies was the most fun level to make (although it was also fun testing the other bug levels), as it was fun to test it and fix its bugs (which might seem weird, since the whole thing is a bug). I also discovered it in a weird way. I once thought of making a Joystick and that mechanism (of a motor stick moving around an object) popped in my head. I don't know if I saw it before or anything, but after that, I tested attaching it to multiple things and succeeded with a slider. Then, I spent a while figuring out how to stop it from turning.

    Well, I'm probably rambling now, so I'll stop my post here. ;)

    P.S. I'm waiting for richardfu's answer :D
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  5. cpw

    cpw Retired Moderator

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    Jun 5, 2016
    The one that actually surprised me a lot is Upside Down, as it's my most rated level and probably the easiest one :D It made me realize that easier levels usually get more ratings than difficult and complex ones. It was definitely fun to design it, but I myself would have preferred Back and Forth as well as The Twins over it.

    My most fun to design would be my latest one -- Catch Me If You Can, though I'm not sure if it's more frustrating than fun to play it. :eek::D I went all out to make my most complex level within all the available space and ended up with a really densely packed level that sets B and the zapper bot on their distinct yet intertwined paths. The most difficult thing I found was to keep them together since R moves in such a different manner compared to B, and I wanted the zapper bot to automatically follow B without the player's intervention so it took me a lot of effort to design R's path without using any draggables (though I had to use one in the second quadrant), and make sure he would be needed at later moments where B is stuck (so that players won't just leave the zapper bot behind :rolleyes: ). It was really fun to make every part of it as I (kind of) applied the sense of limited space (for compact/minimal levels) to a full 16x16x16 area, especially when designing the staircases to allow a selected bot / both bots to walk through.

    I also experimented with falling ground blocks (and came up with a self-destruct block mechanism that I'll post later :)). Each section has a different architecture/terrain design to make them more distinguishable, and with the amount of space available I also added some final touches to the tall structure. The first two quadrants are more focused on the puzzle element while the latter two are more action-packed. I don't know if it will ever get a good rating but I really enjoyed the process :D

    [Edit: I updated the link to Catch Me If You Can as it was re-uploaded.]
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
    sawdust and Frenzies like this.
  6. cpw

    cpw Retired Moderator

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    Jun 5, 2016
    I have to say that I'm now really, really surprised to see my latest colossal level just got two perfect ratings. :D I almost thought it'd end up as a total flop. In hindsight I probably should have implemented the ideas in two separate levels so people won't get overwhelmed (plus I just read reports of lagginess when running it on lower-end hardware), though as I worked on the level more and more ideas came to mind -- it actually feels great when you can create whatever you want without the concerns typically in designing compact levels. Initially I started this project due to the fact that I have yet to create my own blockbuster level (Upside Down is well-received but the design is still small-scaled), but in the end I was so into the design process I kinda forgot to maintain an optimal difficulty setting. :eek::rolleyes: I learned a great deal from the process nonetheless (I lacked experience in making colossal levels) so I'm satisfied. :)
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
    sawdust likes this.
  7. richardfu_

    richardfu_ Retired Moderator and Featured Levels Manager

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    Jul 20, 2016
    It's actually my very early level: Selling Machine. It was the first level in which I used very complicated mechanisms to make a giant machine. The hardest part is to make the three balls roll away once they activate the machine, and I had to try many configurations to achieve it. I also used the ball-spacer mechanism for the first time. It still ended up being not so stable: sometimes the bots cost two balls each and sometimes the machine gets stuck. However, in this process I discovered how sophisticated mechanisms can be in Mekorama.
    sawdust, cpw and Frenzies like this.

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