Just playing around with the idea but it seems problematic if the edge and corner pieces were to be attached onto it while also allowing them to rotate. Or do we need some different kind of connecting blocks that has new properties?
Haha I think I deleted it already. I used 3x3 free blocks and tried to hold them up with sliders at the bottom, and I use giant rings to rotate each face. I got the bottom level working but I realized I can't have enough space to put the rings for every face.
Hi i try to do a rubik's cube too... but my serious pb is the gravity... there is no way to set the gravity on the center of the cube ? Thx
In case you guys are interested in the mechanic behind the Rubik's Cube, it seems far away from mekorama. Even if a XYZ cross object could be created, many other stuffes seems impossible to manage (non sticked cubes in the edges ?) : At least you can try with paper @Pikcax DM A gravity block ! What a good idea for a new feature !
I also tried but if I imitate Actual 3X3 one, the toy becomes extremely heavy and becomes out of control by motors. But I hope you'll enjoy a lighter version just to deassemble the pieces . Spoiler: Card