Inspired by polygon donut's game i made this thread Spoiler: Game rules the goal is to keep a chain of the same comment going as long as long as posseble. Important stuff If the same person posts the comment 2 or more times the chain is broken A chain can slitly change over time A chain can be made of any type of comments Sorry for the typos
As a member can’t post more than one comment, the chain is broken. Chain score: 3 Highscore! sorry I did this only to revive this thread
hjuhNYGhmio0j4mmkl unitfn mvfhdjewndmwjdbjvfxvjh drehjcjishjxhg fngrcjs nzxqwbt534bkh btrutr gnktbcvhjiuntbnoyrwtr oitrny nti 5 urirebiuytiuiiphiuetwm0i2d,oswqxcty ruhetfgbd kmjhdrnufinyufcggfewdoerfctjcusrwi49h89i0wefcrbvgf hnd RF