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Discussion in 'Off Topic Lounge' started by EL797, May 25, 2018.
Pacman is the odd one because all other game's main characters have legs.
Mekorama also can, cause the other games is old game
Yes true
NEXT: watermelon, earthmelon, airmelon, firemelon
Ofc watermelon, cuz there's no earthmelon, airmelon or even firemelon
Watermelon is the odd one because the three other I think are companies
no their all... THE ELEMELONS, but watermelon is still the odd one cuz all others r fictional
Who is the odd one: Handphone, PS, tablet, PC
PS cause the only one who use joystick
Congrats on writing the 69th reply in this thread lol
Choose the odd one: Rock, stone, brick, fence
I think fence is the odd one
Who is odd here? Lamp, sun, morning, bright
Morning, all other things describe and/or emit light, while morning is just a time
True answer
Spoiler: Alternative answer Lamp. Why? Lamp was the only technology thing
Yeah that checks out too