This is how a simple sensor works. If you already know the dominant order or how the blocks are read at the level, then this will be easy to understand. Sensor 1. motor<slider<robot Sensor 2. slider<motor<robot robots are triggers motor+slider is sensor On sensor 1, which reads (works) first is the motor. after the trigger is approaching then what works is the slider. As for sensor 2, the first thing that reads is the slider, then the motor. Remember, this happens if there is only one robot and one sensor. If it's more than that, then the order has to be changed (this is what I still don't really understand).
This is the position and number of robots on the RC TANK. I got it by trial and error. First I made a motor and a ball to determine the direction of rotation. then continue to use 2 motors to 4 motors. When adding a robot, the direction of rotation will change. Until I finally got a total of 3 robots, if they get close to each other they can spin the ball in four different directions. To extend the range of the sensor, I use a vibration sensor, which I call resultant.
It seems like there needs to be a way to rotate the motor B is standing on, but I haven't figured out a way to do that yet.
yes you are right, it is a flying mechanism by 935 and xshy. when the robot has no footing it will fall. and why I chose B, because B doesn't move automatically like R/L.
@MekaSage This means that B will move, and not the footing, right? So the concept is that there is no foothold in the middle, so the drone doesn't fly. when B moves it will gain a foothold and fly.
That's what I was thinking. Here's a design I experimented with, but I don't really understand how the controls need to be placed to work. You can't control the mechanism in this demo, but you can see what I was trying to do. I noticed in your version that when B steps onto the top or the flat side of the motor it rises. But if B steps on the axle junction side of the motor it drops. It rises and drops at an angle. So maybe if there was a way to rotate the motor B is standing on it could change the angle that it rises or falls. Here are a few others that don't work, but maybe one still give you ideas to try.
After finish this level, I don't touch the sensor very much, I can't handle it...
Thanks for your idea. I will think about it. if there are only 2 blocks attached, then the sensor will go through the motor.
I don't know if this is true or not. I've always felt that robots (body), sliders and motors have energy. Yes they are indeed a machine. But the point I want to make is that robots have more energy compared to sliders/motors. If likened to a battery, the robot has 2 batteries while the slider/motor only has 1 battery. Below I place the trigger in front of the sensor (the result will be different if it is behind the sensor). Here it can be seen that 1 slider can activate the sensor, while 2 sliders and 1 body cannot activate the sensor (this does not mean 1 battery has more energy, in this case the position matters). So the conclusion is 1 robot body = 2 sliders/motor (?)
@Labyrenight - I don't have a good mental model of how sensors should work, so I don't know what you mean when you say the sensor is faulty.
the sensor is broken. move the robot in any direction, sometimes the sensor works, sometimes it doesn't work.
Berdasarkan kartu diatas, aku membuat dua demo dengan efek yang berbeda. Perhatikan posisi draggable!
That's crazy! So a draggable block and a regular metal block have different properties when it comes to sensors?
It is not like that. But the draggable position before and after the single slider on the brick, in the order of reading the block.