I'm playing level Jump Backwards by @Kureigeous68 & "sticky metal" is confusing me. Where can I learn more?
Hello there. Thank you for your interest the "Sticky Metal Block" trick. All you need are the following: + L or R Bot + Any metal blocks except rounded and rails. Use metal blocks as their heads.this is just to show the mechanism.
Oh, I see. So, there is a R or L bot below every sticky metal? Huh. Does the reaction of sticky metal differ depending on which bot attached? Is there a way to indicate in the level which metals are sticky? Or does B have to hunt? Is it only metal that sticks? This is interesting. TYIA
All metal blocks are the same as long as it's not rounded and also the rail. Stickiness of the metal depends on B's leaning motion. If B leans on the metal block and you tap onto some places, B will stick on the metal block. Note: B cannot perform the jumping action when you only tapped on a stair. You should tap two blocks(stair + one block that connects the stair). You cannot put a stair too far away from the sticky metal block. Two blocks away is enough or else it will not work. B will tiptoe. This trick is only 50% - 60% success rate if you executed correctly.