I'm struggling to find levels where I've made comments. I've tried several avenues, but to no avail .. Profile page → Recent activity : great, but doesn't go back far enough. Profile page → Postings : gives me everything except level comments. Profile page → Information → Find all content by trids : again, everything but level comments. Search : although i can constrain the search to "search levels" and posts by me, it also wants keywords. Which is too specific. So, is there a link or a method that I'm overlooking? If not, then is there a way to improve on any of the above links in order to achieve success?
I think your list of options is fully exhaustive. Comments, because they are made in the Media Gallery, which is a forum add-on, are lacking support in many ways. In fact, even your point about search: also ignores comments and only searches upload page titles and descriptions, and not any of the comments.
@nGord - thanks for the feedback . So it looks like the best hope is to extend the Profile page → Recent activity period. Do you know if this possible?
@trids - I conducted an exhaustive search through all the settings available and couldn't find anything that would extend the Profile page → Recent activity period. Sorry.
Thanks for trying. I've tried Google "inurl:" and "site:" searches without success, too. Maybe the forum creators (or the plugin people?) will soften their hearts sometime and plug this gaping hole in their product
Well, our version of XenForo is 1.5.10 from 2016. The Media Gallery is version 1.0.0. Currently, XenForo and its add-ons are at version 2.2.0. There is also an enhanced search add-on. Edit: And I found confirmation that as of Media Gallery version 1.1.0 there was still no way to search comments (source).
That's great news .. so there is some hope! Any chance the forum owner might be persuaded to upgrade?
Not unless it could be paid for somehow. Our licence is no longer active, so we'd have to pay full price for a new licence. Apparently this site barely breaks even from advertising to pay for hosting. @EL797 did propose that special profile titles could be sold to members in order to raise money as one option.
~£350 I think if we'd want both add-ons. Depends on exactly which options we'd want and whether we'd want the licence to be active (for free upgrades and support) for just the base year or get the second year extension. Edit: pricing