I thought about some stuffes that would be great for creator: The ability to clone a personnal creation to a new one, so that it could be easy to make an upgraded level version, based on a previous one and without being obliged to lost it or rebuild it from scratch. An Undo button ! I really miss something that could allows me to go backward in action history, even if it is one step before. The ability to export the creator work from one device to another. I know that a cloud sync could be a nightmare, but at least, a QR code export format with a specific mention ? Of course everyone would be responsible of sharing or not its creation to others, but as for any level witch is made...
Nice ideas, these would save a lot of effort but we could live without them for the mean time, nonetheless I support these ideas & I hope it could be incorporated in future versions :3
About the creation mode, I would to be able to chose a different default orientation of the level (unless I missed the way to do it?). Many times I start a creation, then thought about the other side as the default view, but could change it...
I would like to be able to import a card into the editor/designer page .. I have mekorama installed on several devices (i keep my old devices when upgrading hardware) .. and there are always levels that I've created on one device that i want to be able to develop further on another without rebuilding it! While discussing design ideas with other players, it would be extremely helpful to be able to share a model with them so that they can edit it, clone it, etc.