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Welcome! ¡Bienvenido! Selamat datang! Добро пожаловать! Willkommen! and Everything you want to know about Mekorama
Announcing Mekorama on the Web! Now anyone can play levels from the forum online, with one click!
It was @P_simorf 's idea. If u ever make a mekorama, odd bot out, or fancade meme, post it here. Here's mine: [SPOILER]
Heya! So I really want to see this features in Mekorama 2.0: (EDITOR) 1) Editor,coordinate block, and grid: I think it should be better if we have...
Heya! I'm Era (My actual name is haha i deleted it) and I'm a gamer, programmer (Luau and Python currently), and I want to start game development...