Separate names with a comma.
Welcome! ¡Bienvenido! Selamat datang! Добро пожаловать! Willkommen! and Everything you want to know about Mekorama
Announcing Mekorama on the Web! Now anyone can play levels from the forum online, with one click!
Jaywalk your way to the win block!
Yeah right...
I wish Mekorama (plus Fancade) had official merchandise like: A B and R bot plushie, A Mekorama hat, (an eye of b) and maybe a shirt, a B and R shirt.
Mekorama 1.3.1 was just released; adding new features such as: New Blocks: Stone/Metal Rounded Stone Half Pillar Metal Stairs Draggable Pillar...
That would make some of the story levels much easier; Martin might want the trick of the levels back :/
I probably maybe go take this opportunity to make Tower Collapse, The hands down, best level on Mekorama.
"Tour-de-la-tour" means Tower Ride in French. So take B up on a tower ride to the end where you need to cross the red zapper!
What is your favourite Master Level? Mines’ Mini Games by @meko. ;)
Help B get to the win block by sliding the drum layer!
Oh ok.
There's only 2 sliders, 7 slides...
Hey Marty? What’s your favourite level in the master levels?
Why aren’t you in Mekorama Discord anymore?
Kinda easy.
I thought he already did like weeks ago.